The SAARC Cultural Centre held the SAARC Exhibition of Paintings 2017 in collaboration with the “Saundaryabhimani Festival” conducted by the University of the Visual and Performing Arts in Colombo over a period of one week, from 3rd July 2017 to 9th July 2017 at the University Premises. There was a vast array of paintings by participants of the SAARC Artists Camps over the years, displayed at the Exhibition. The Centre was honoured by the presence of several representatives from the High Commissions and Embassies of the honoured SAARC Member States and other distinguished guests at the Inauguration ceremony which included opening the Exhibition with ceremonial Sri Lankan drummers and dancers. This was followed by a spectacular cultural display exhibiting a combination of music and dancing, infusing eastern and western traditions of modern day culture, which took place at the newly inaugurated Lionel Edirisinghe Rostrum.