Call for Papers for SAARC Culture Journal, Volume 10

1. Background

1.1 About the Journal

The SAARC Cultural Centre (SCC), Colombo aims to promote, peace and unity in the SAARC Region through its various cultural activities and publications based on original research on different aspects of cultures of the SAARC Region.
SAARC Culture Journal is an annual research journal of the SAARC Cultural Centre Colombo, which seeks to provide a platform to the academics, practitioners and policy makers of culture in the region to present their research findings and to debate on issues of mutual and common interest. The journal is widely disseminated as an on-line publication to project cultural richness and cultural diversity of the SAARC Region.

1.2. “Celebrating Craftsmanship: Exploring Cultural Heritage in the SAARC Region”

Cultural map of South Asia is replete with many forms of tangible and intangible heritage carrying deep socio-cultural significance. This vast repertoire of knowledge is manifested in many forms of cultural expressions. One such form is crafts that are still being consumed by millions of its people, unbeknownst to the knowledge of the majority, that they play an invisible, yet a major role in this process as artisans, traders and consumers.
As such, crafts and craftsmanship has been the bedrock of our civilisation and crafts are not only a testament to creative expression inherent to humans, but also intertwined with values, cultural identities and diverse histories and stories of the various communities of the region.
Creativity, in all likelihood, has been a part and parcel of everyday life in South Asia, which involves many rituals, and celebrations from birth to death presenting a remarkable consonance between humans and nature. The craft map of South Asia, at a glance, is heterogeneous and geographically dispersed with certain craft traditions fast disappearing. While certain crafts face many threats to its sustenance, when it comes to other crafts, the dominant narrative of decline in the craft seems invalid due to successful interventions by various stakeholders involved.
Crafts and craftsmanship in modern times, therefore, sit at the center of a web of many challenges and prospects. Crafts and crafts related industries could constitute one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy if due attention is extended to artistic creations embedded in crafts are protected and promoted not only for attracting capital, but also to sustain, safeguard, and revitalise the rich cultural heritage of South Asia.

In this spirit, the SAARC Culture journal calls for submissions that focuses on various aspects and dimensions of crafts and craftsmen of the South Asian Region under the theme “Celebrating Craftsmanship: Exploring Cultural Heritage in the SAARC Region” focusing on major categories of crafts;

  1. Woodwork
  2. Metalwork
  3. Weaving
  4. Pottery/Ceramics

The submissions will look at the crafts of South Asia from a number of perspectives, including but not limited to:
• Growth and prospects of traditional crafts
• To explore the adaptability and viability of crafts and crafts related industries amidst a wide range of socio-economic conditions
• To provide an objective assessment and an analysis of the crafts as an industry
• To analyse diversity of conditions that characterise crafts and craftsmen
• To create informed debate on the crafts and craftsmanship in South Asia

Deadline for Full Paper submissions: 27th September 2024

Submission Guidelines:

• All the articles in English as per the SAARC Mandate.
• An abstract of 250-300 words and the full paper including a minimum of 5 keywords.
• Word count 8,000-10,000 words (excluding the abstract and the bibliography)
• Font type -Times New Roman, 12 points
• Line spacing – 1.5
• Page margins – Left: 1.5”
Right/ Top/ Bottom- 1”
• Article Title – Font Size 14 points and Bold
• Article Subtitles: Font size 12 points and Bold
• Organize the Tables, figures, and images in the body of the article.
• Reference Style: MLA (9th Edition)
• Use English: British English spellings
• Enclose references at the end of the article.

• Illustrations – Tables, Figures and Plates:

  • Each table should be cited in the text (Table-1). The title and headings of the table should be included with each table and must be in bold. Figures include line drawings, graphs and maps.
  • Each figure must be cited in text as Fig. 1 and include a caption in which the word “Fig. 1:” should be in bold.
  • Plates include colour or black and white photographs. Plate numbers must be cited in the text like (Pl.1). Plates (Joint Photographic Group (jpg) image) should be listed in a separate file numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals with captions.

• Diacritical marks on any word of other languages should be avoided. Such words or phrases must be italicized which are not included in the English Oxford dictionary. As far as possible, footnotes and endnotes are to be avoided. A glossary of words may be provided for all non-English terms used in the text.
• Acknowledgement and Funding statement, if any, is to be placed at the end of the paper just before the references.
• The final decision regarding the publication will be taken by the Editorial Board.
• All submissions will be screened for plagiarism.

• Author/s Profile: A short biographical entry of the author in 100 words that include the name with designation, affiliation along with a colour photograph of the author(s) (300 DPI maximum) should be sent along with the abstract.
• It is the responsibility of the author to obtain clearance from the copyright holder for any previously published material, including figures, tables or photographs in the manuscripts.
• Manuscript would be accepted for publication on the understanding that the submitted work is original, unpublished and new contributions, definitions and interpretations.
For this purpose, please submit your declaration (in the format given below) in respect
of your contribution.

“I……………………declare that the article titled ……………has not been previously published or been submitted/ accepted for any other publication”.





The following criteria provide guidance for the research papers

Component Description
Title Title No more than 25 words; Clearly articulates the proposed paper.
Background/introduction/research problem (issue) Provides background information or context to the study highlighting the importance of the topic while noting the gaps that need to be addressed; how it relates to current knowledge, practice or literature; and concludes with a statement of purpose (main aim) or the question to be addressed in the paper.
Avoid using in-text citations in the Abstract.
MethodologyProvides a summary of how the activity was undertaken, the persons involved, the resources or equipment, the materials used for the interpretation/analysis etc. required, and how the processes or outcomes were documented and evaluated. Quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods are equally acceptable, so long as they are appropriate to the research question or issue.
Discussion (Results)Provides a brief summary of findings or conclusions to be presented in the paper. In other words, what concepts emerged/what was found/what happened.
Findings & Conclusion/
Provides a statement or conclusion concerning the significance of the findings and the future perspective of your research with emphasis on the research’s potential application or impact.
Overall quality of the paperThe paper should be well-organised and presented according to the submission guidelines. Originality and relevance of the study is given priority during the selection process.


Manuscripts and all correspondence should be addressed to:

Deputy Director-Research
SAARC Cultural Centre
224, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07
Sri Lanka