The Eighth SAARC Film Festival 2018 – Awards Ceremony

The Eighth SAARC Film Festival was concluded with the Eighth SAARC Film Awards Ceremony held at the National Film Corporation Film Theatre in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 27th May 2018. The Hon. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe, Minister of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs graced this occasion as the Chief Guest. Mr. Munir Ghiasy of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Sri Lanka, Ms. Rajashree Behera of the Indian Cultural Centre representing the High Commission of India in Sri Lanka, Mr. Mohamed Faris Thaha the Executive Coordinator and Head of the National Centre for the Arts in Maldives, Ms. Fathimath Rifau of the Embassy of Maldives in Sri Lanka and Mr. Intisar Ahmad Sulehry of the Pakistan High Commission in Sri Lanka representing the SAARC Member States, Ms. Yasoja Gunasekara – Senior Director General of the SAARC Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sri Lanka, Mr. Sitendra Senaratne – Chairman of the National Film Corporation, Ms. Uma Rajamantri – Chairperson of the Selacine Television Institute, Mr. M.D. Mahindapala – renowned Cinematographer and Film Educator, Mr. Ashely Ratnavibhushana – renowned film critic and film society activist, Ms. Han Sunhee of South Korea (Jury Member), Mr. Amable Tikoy Aguiluz of Philippines (Jury Member) and Mr. Christophe Henri of France (Jury Member) and Mr. Dhanushka Gunathilake – Consultant to the SAARC Film Festival participated as Guests of Honour at this occasion.

Mr. Tauquir Ahmed Director of Halda (Bangladesh), Mr. Morshedul Islam Director of Akhi and Her Friends (Bangladesh), Mr. Akram Khan Director of Khacha (Bangladesh), Mr. Manouj Kadaamh Director of Kshitij (India), Ms. Fathimath Nahula Director of 4426 (Maldives), Mr. Ali Shamin Director of Status (Maldives), Ms Mariyam Azza Actress of Hahdhu and 4426 (Maldives), Mr. Malaka Dewapriya Director of Bahuchithawadiya (Sri Lanka) and Mr. Prasanna Jayakody of 28 (Sri Lanka) represented the film cast and crew of the SAARC Member States.

During the Eighth SAARC Film Festival 26 Feature Films, Short Films and Master Films screened from the SAARC Member States from 22nd May 2018 to 27th May 2018.

The SAARC Film Award Winners are as follows:

Best Feature Film – Halda (Bangladesh)
(Tauquir Ahmed Director)

It addresses serious environmental issues of real day-to-day Bangladesh life, emphasizing the struggle of the people through cinematic language. It’s about sustainability of the life of the rural people.

Best Director – Prasanna Jayakody (Sri Lanka) for 28 (Twenty-Eight)

It’s basically a poignant storytelling about marginalized characters. The director captivates the audience through very clever cinematic storytelling, continuously surfing on the cutting edge of irony and humor.

Best Actor – Mahendra Perera (Sri Lanka) for 28 (Twenty-Eight)

For his depth, realism and sincere heart-felt portrayal of his character who gradually releases his emotion and connection to the corpse.

Best Actress – Vaishnavi Tangde (India) for Kshitij (The Horizon)
(Child Leading Actress from Kshitij who played Vacchi)

For her honest, innocent and realistic portrayal of a little girl who wants to rise above her situation.

Best Short Film – GI (India)
(Director Kunjila Mascillamani)

By the presentation of cinematic language, the director is able to tell her story about the girl’s sacrifice for her grandfather.

Best Screenplay – Prashant Pandey & Shreya Dev Verma (India) for Poorna

It’s a ‘triumph of the spirit’ story with compelling and accurate narration of true events that project the hardships of climbing Mt. Everest.

Best Cinematographer – Enamul Haque Sohel (Bangladesh) for Halda

For the light and shadow interplay of the lives and drama of the people in the river Halda.

Best Editing – Amit Debnath (Bangladesh) for Halda


For its fluid and balanced flow of the story.

Best Sound Design – Sasika Ruwan Marasinghe (Sri Lanka) for Bahuchithawadiya (The Undecided)

It accurately reproduced the sounds of the environment and locations of present day Sri Lanka.

Best Original Score – Tauquir Ahmed, Pinto Ghosh, Sanzida Mahmood Nandita (Bangladesh) for Halda

For its beautiful conversion of traditional Bangladesh music into contemporary flavor.

Special Jury Award – Malaka Devapriya (Sri Lanka) for Bahuchithawadiya (The Undecided)

It is a daring movie that pushes the cultural boundaries of the traditional Sri Lankan values, in a humorous and accurate way.

Special Jury Award – Manouj Kadaamh (India) for Kshitij (The Horizon)

For its sincere and relevant portrayal of the need for education of the youths in India, especially young girls.


Film Schedule – SAARC Film Festival 2018

22 May 23 May 24 May 25 May 26 May 27 May




Feature/ 90 mins/ Sri Lanka


Serga Mathang
Feature/ 145 mins/ Bhutan

1.00 pm

Feature/ 137 mins/ Pakistan

4.00 pm

Short/ 30 mins/ India

5.00 pm

Feature/ 110 mins/ Bangladesh

7.20 pm

Short/ 8 mins/ Maldives

7.30 pm

Feature/ 150 mins/ Maldives

9.30 am

Short/ 28 mins/ Maldives


10.15 am

Feature/ 132 mins/ Maldives


1.00 pm

Short/ 13 mins/ Bangladesh


1.15 pm

Feature/ 133 mins/ Pakistan


4.00 pm

Feature/ 90 mins/ Sri Lanka


6.00 pm

Feature/ 95 mins/ India


8.00 pm

Fire of life
Short/ 24 mins/ Sri Lanka


8.30 pm

Chain Aye Na*
Feature/ 110 mins/ Pakistan

9.00 – 11.00am


Role of a Producer and Co-production in South Asia

@ Sri Lanka Media Training Institute (SLMTI)
No 100A, Independence Sqr, Colombo 7.

11.30 am

Akhi & Her Friends*
Feature/ 114 mins/ Bangladesh


2.00 pm

Mata Nam Ahuna
Short/ 24 mins/ Sri Lanka


3.00 pm

Feature/ 130 mins/ India


5.30 pm

Hum Chewai Zamling
Feature/ 145 mins/ Bhutan


8.30 pm

Punjab Nahi Jaon Gi
Feature/ 159 mins/ Pakistan

10.00 am

Kalo Meghar Vela
Short/ 30 mins/ Bangladesh


10.45 am

Feature/ 95 mins/ India


12.30 pm

Chalay Thay Sath*
Feature/ 120 mins/ Pakistan


3.30 pm

Feature/ 150 mins/ Bangladesh


6.30 pm

The Waterfall
Short/ 20 mins/ India


7.00 pm

Feature/ 90 mins/ Sri Lanka


SAARC Film Festival 2018
Award Ceremony


7.00 pm

Screening of the Award
Winning Best Feature Film of the SAARC Film Festival 2018

* Non-competitive entries

Some of the films screened may contain adult content, parental guidance advised

Entrance Free

SAARC Film Festival 22nd – 27th May 2018

“Our one goal is to give the world a taste of peace, friendship and understanding through the visual arts, the art of the celebration of life” – Steven Spielberg


Now in its 8th year, the SAARC Film Festival continues to be one of the most successful Programmes in the SAARC Cultural Centre calendar of activities.  Since the Inaugural SAARC Film Festival in 2011, the SAARC Member State of Sri Lanka has been host to this diverse celebration of life and the development and display of visual arts through the medium of film.

With every passing year, the SAARC Film Festival has built a reputation as being a very important platform and focal point for the congregation, celebration and enjoyment of some of the best films from the SAARC Region.  It has become an event inspiring much interest, respect and regard for the promotion and sharing of the common cultural heritage, norms and traditions of the South Asian Region, through film. Over time it has also gained a reputation for promoting and featuring some of the best films from the SAARC Region.  The SAARC Cultural Centre (SCC), in keeping with its mandate of promoting culture in the Region through varying types of art, will once again showcase films from South Asia as an expression of its culture at the 8th SAARC Film Festival 2018.  A special feature which distinguishes this Festival from others is that the SAARC Member States nominate creations and artistry which display and showcase the cinematic imagination of the SAARC Region, using the medium of Film.  A reputed panel of international judges select the best films and recognise the individuals who are at the very core of this creativity as a form of encouragement and respect to continue producing quality, thought provoking and representational films for the Region.

The SAARC Cultural Centre will continue this tradition of bringing wider recognition for South Asian films and in 2018, the SAARC Film Festival will take place in Sri Lanka.  It is an event unique to the Region and one that has caused interest and excitement amongst the people of South Asia since 2011.  The Centre is committed to developing the concept of “unity within diversity” and innovating through this very dynamic form of cultural exploration and to build it into a truly magnificent and international festival experience.  In 2018, the Festival will include a workshop with international experts from the world of film, with additional peripheral events that would enhance the experience of South Asian Cinema even further.  The message of tolerance and the power of film will be easily accessible with free entrance to all the events throughout the Festival.  Every Member State is given the opportunity to screen and showcase several of their best creations and form a vibrant collage and tapestry of meaningful films from the Region.

The SAARC Film Festival 2018 will focus on films first screened after May 2016, from all Member States, inviting the directors and artists of these films to partake in workshops conducted to encourage and improve future productions.

At the SAARC Film Festival 2018, we explore the world of Film and Cinema indigenous to the SAARC Region, along with the ever-growing enthusiasm and dedication we are privileged to receive from the host country of Sri Lanka.

Film Categories for Nominations

There will be three film categories open for nominations at the SAARC Film Festival 2018:
A.    Feature Films – Competitive Nominations
B.    Short Films – Competitive Nominations
C.    Master Films – Non-Competitive Nominations

Dates and Venue
22nd – 27th May 2018, including the following:
22nd May 2018 – Opening Ceremony
24th May 2018 – Film Workshop
27th May 2018 – SAARC Film Awards Ceremony 2018

Film Schedule 2018

Venue: The Cinema Hall, The National Film Corporation, Sri Lanka

SAARC Film Awards 2018

The following Awards will be presented at the end of the SAARC Film Festival, following selection by a panel of jury members from non-SAARC Member States, at the SAARC Film Awards 2018, which will take place on the 27th of May 2018. The decision of the panel will be final.

  • Best Feature Film
  • Best Short Film
  • Best Director
  • Best Screenplay
  • Best Actor
  • Best Actress
  • Best Cinematographer
  • Best Editor
  • Best Sound Designer
  • Best Original Score
  • Two Special Jury Awards

Registration Form for the Submission of Films

Please contact SAARC Cultural Centre if you require further information.

The SAARC Film Festival 2017

The SAARC Film Festival was successfully concluded with the SAARC Film Awards at the National Film Corporation Cinema Hall on 25th November 2017.  Mrs. Rosy Senananayake, Deputy Chief of Staff to the Hon. Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, former High Commissioner to Malaysia, former Parliamentarian and State Minister of Child Development and Media figure graced the occasion as the Guest of Honour.  Film Artists of Sri Lanka from all walk of the Film Industry came to support the fellow artists of the SAARC Region and it was a gathering of luminaries and film enthusiasts.
A Panel of impartial Jury Members – Dr. Anne Demy-Geroe of Australia, Dr. Antonio Costa Valente of Portugal and Mr. Amir Masoud Soheili of Iran made the selections.  The SAARC Film Awards 2017 are as follows:

For a highly accessible representation of the important themes not only of colour but of women’s perceptions of body image

For a brave debut feature about a controversial subject in a conservative society

For the skilful interplay between the sound and the vision in a film full of many characters and crowded locations

For its role in supporting the director with smooth storytelling and focusing on the main characters in a film shot in limited locations and over a short period of time

For very effectively creating ambiance, using only existing light

For the effective use of a range of cinematographic styles appropriate to the changes in mood

For creating a very humanistic and coherent story combining a strong range of characters and complex interplay of moods

For its restrained use of traditional music to underscore the narrative

For the delicate ensemble performances of the 3 actors to convey an in-depth portrait of a marginalised group

For a highly credible performance that maintained the character’s deception until the final reveal for both the other characters and the audience

For a subtle portrayal of poverty that used metaphor to discuss the issue of education in Afghanistan

For the creative bridging of script and film in handling a broad range character types

For its delicate depiction of political and social issues of a particular historical era through the eyes of a young untouchable boy

For its originality and the overall excellent execution of a complex narrative

SAARC Film Festival 2017

A Powerful and Unique Experience in Cultural Diversity

Dates: 21st to 25th November 2017
Venue:  National Film Corporation Cinema Hall, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka.
Entrance:  Free

Since its inception in 2011, the SAARC Film Festival has been held in Sri Lanka, and with every year, it has gained a reputation for promoting and featuring some of the best films from the SAARC Region.  The SAARC Cultural Centre (SCC), in keeping with its mandate of promoting culture in the region through different modes of art, will once again showcase films from the Region as expressions of culture at its forthcoming SAARC Film Festival.  The SAARC Member States will nominate some of their art work which showcases the cinematic imagination of the SAARC Region, using the medium of Film.  A reputed panel of international judges select the best films, and several awards are presented as an incentive to continue producing quality, thought provoking and representational films for the Region.

This is an event unique to the Region and one that has caused interest and excitement amongst the people of South Asia since 2011.  We now want to take it to the world, through the portal of South Asia and build it into a truly magnificent and international festival experience.  The message of tolerance and the power of film is easily experienced through the screen with every Member State given the opportunity to screen and showcase some of their best creations and form a vibrant collage and tapestry of meaningful films from the Region.  The Film Festival will focus on films first screened after 2015, from all Member States, inviting Directors of these movies to partake in workshops conducted to encourage and improve future productions.

We warmly invite you to join us as we explore the world of Film and Cinema indigenous to the SAARC Region.  Most importantly, be present as we showcase a very special part of culture and art within our varying and wonderfully diverse Member States.  We warmly invite you to join us, as we resume our journey in 2017 to bring South Asian Film to the forefront of the International Film World.

SAARC Film Festival Awards

The following Awards will be presented, following selection by an International Panel of Judges at the end of the Film Festival.  The decision of the Judges will be Final.

  1. Award for the Best Feature Film
  2. Award for the Best Short Film
  3. Award for the Best Director
  4. Award for the Best Actor
  5. Award for the Best Actress
  6. Award for the Best Cinematographer
  7. Award for the Best Editor
  8. Award for the Best Screenplay
  9. Award for the Best Sound Designer
  10. Award for the Best Original Score
  11. Award for the Best Film – Open Category
  12. Special Jury Award

SAARC Film Festival Catalogue


SAARC Film Festival 2017

Since its inception in 2011, the SAARC Film Festival has been held in Sri Lanka, and with every year, has gained a reputation for promoting and featuring some of the best films from the SAARC Region.  The SAARC Cultural Centre (SCC), in keeping with its mandate of promoting culture in the region through different modes of art, will once again showcase films from the Region as expressions of culture at its forthcoming SAARC Film Festival.  This Film Festival is different from other Film Festivals, as the SAARC Member States nominate some of their art work which showcases the cinematic imagination of the SAARC Region, using the medium of Film.  A reputed panel of international judges select the best films, and several awards are presented as an incentive to continue producing quality, thought provoking and representational films for the Region.

It is an event unique to the Region and one that has caused interest and excitement amongst the people of South Asia since 2011. We now want to take it to the world, through the portal of South Asia specifically, and build it into a truly magnificent and international festival experience.  This year in 2017, the Festival hopes to expand further, with workshops and parallel events that would enhance South Asian Cinema even more. The message of tolerance and the power of film is easily experienced through the screen with every Member State given the opportunity to screen and showcase some of their best creations and form a vibrant collage and tapestry of meaningful films from the Region. The Film Festival will focus on films first screened after May 2015, from all Member States, inviting directors of these movies to partake in workshops conducted to encourage and improve future productions.

We warmly invite you to join us as we explore the world of Film and Cinema indigenous to the SAARC Region.  Please send in your nominations and benefit from the exposure this magnificent event will bring to the industry, artists, vision and creativity of the directors and movie makers of each valued Member State. Most importantly, be present as we showcase a very special part of culture and art within our varying and wonderfully diverse Member States.

Master Class – SAARC Film Festival 2016

Master Class on 3rd June at 10:30AM – 12:30PM at Russian cultural Centre in Colombo 07.

Topic : Contemporary Russian cinema and how to take part in International Film Festivals in Asia.
තේමාව: සමකාලීන රුසියානු සිනමාව හා ආසියාවේ ඇති ප්‍රධාන පෙලේ සිනමා උළෙලවල් පිලිබඳ වැඩසටහන.
தலைப்பு : சமகால ரஷிய சினிமா பற்றிய கலந்துரையாடல் மற்றும் ஆசியாவின்  சர்வதேசத்திரைப்பட விழாக்களில்  பங்குபற்ற வழிகாட்டல்

Conducted by
Andrei Vasilenko from Russia
Fabienne Aduago from France
Jinna Lee from South Korea

Limited seating
First come first serve basis.

Screening Schedule – SAARC Film Festival 2016

Date Film
1st June 2016 6.30 pm – Inaugural film – Feature Film
Masaan (Adults only)
Directed by Neeraj Ghaywan
2nd June 2016 3.30 pm – Short film – Open Category
City of Dust
Directed by Mohammad Jamil Jalla
4.00 pm – Feature film – Open Category
Jalal’s Story
Directed by Abu Shahod Emon
6.30 pm – Feature film
Travellers and Magicians
Directed by Dzongzar Norbu
3rd June 2016 10.30 am
Master Class with the Film Experts
at Russian Cultural Centre Colombo
(for further details 0714539488 – Dhanushka Gunathilake)
3.30 pm – Short film
Goonga Pehelwan
Directed by Mit Jani, Prateek,
Gupta, Vivek Chaudhury
4.30 pm – Feature film
Mikoe Bappa Baey Baey
Directed by Ravee Farooq
6.30 pm – Feature film
Ho Gaana Pokuna
(Sri Lanka/2014/120min)
Directed by Indika Fernando
4th June 2016 10.00 am – Short film
(Sri Lanka/15min)
Directed by Chamila Priyanka
10.30 am – Feature film – Open Category
An Apple from Paradise
Directed by Homayun Morowat
1.15 pm – Feature Film
Nekabbarer Mahaproyan
Directed by Masud Pathik
3.30 pm – Short film
Living Without Life
(Sri Lanka/28min)
Directed by Eranda Mahagamage,
Sajani Dulanjalee
4.30 pm – Short Film – Open Category
K2 and the Invisible Footman
(Pakistan/ 59min)
Directed by Lara Lee/Jawad Sharif
6.00 pm – Short film
Directed by Ravee Farooq
6.30 pm – Feature Film
Directed by Kaushik Ganguly
5th June 2016 10.00 am – Short Film – Open Category
O Apara Kala (A dream of Apara)
(India/ 24min)
Directed by Abha Naktode
10.30 am – Feature film
(Maldives/ 2 hrs 16min)
Directed by Ali Seezan
3.00 pm – Short film
Benegal’s New Cinema
Directed by Iram Ghufran
4.30 pm – Feature film
The Cup
(Bhutan/1hr 31min)
Directed by Dzongsar Norbu
6.30 pm – Feature film
Boradiya Pokuna (Adults only)
(Sri Lanka /101min)
Directed by Sathyajith Maitipe
6th June 2016 6.30pm
8.00 pm
Screening the Winning Film
  • Some of the Films Screened may contain Adult Content, Parental Guidance Advised

SAARC Film Festival 2016

The SAARC Film Festival held in Colombo, has over the last four years gained momentum for promoting some of the best films from the SAARC Region. The SAARC Cultural Centre, in keeping with its mandate of promoting culture in the region through different modes of art, will once again showcase films from the region as cultural expressions at its forthcoming SAARC Film Festival.  The SAARC Film Festival is different from the rest, in that SAARC Member States nominate some of their best films that showcase the culture of the SAARC countries, in the form of film.  A reputed panel of adjudicators select the best films, and awards are given as incentive to continue producing good films for the region.

The SAARC Film festival in Colombo, marks an event unique to the region, where through the medium of cinema, the festival has become a forum of people to people interaction, as well as the understanding and savoring of culture through the medium of cinema, where the films from the different SAARC Countries, are not merely a tool of entertainment, but rather one of cultural awareness as well as something that would convey an inherent message indigenous to a particular member country of SAARC and to a particular region of the world. The Festival has over the years grown, and this year in 2016, the Festival hopes to expand, with workshops and parallel events that would further enhance South Asian Cinema. The Film Festival will give all member states an opportunity to screen some of the best films from the region.

Cinema is a form of art, and today with easy accessibility of advanced digital knowledge this medium of cinema has become very powerful. The SAARC Region has produced some films with a standard of excellence. In 2016, the SAARC Film Festival will focus on feature and short films first screened AFTER May 2014, from all Member States, inviting directors of these movies for workshops as well as recognizing the best movie- feature film/Short Film screened within the stipulated time frame.

The festival will take place in Colombo, Sri Lanka over a period of 6 days from the 1st – 6th of June 2016.  The Festival will also include a workshop with well-known film directors.