Firth day of the Bangla year, Pahela Baishakh is celebrated in a festive manner in both Bangladesh and in West Bengal. In Bangladesh it is a national holiday. Pahela Basiskh falls on April 14. Celebrations of pahela Baishakh started from Akbar’s reign. It was customary to clear up all dues on the last day of Chaitra. On the next day, or the first day of the New Year, landlords would entertain their tenants with sweets. On this occasion, there used to be fairs and other festivities. In due course the occasion become part of domestic and social life, and turned into a day of merriment. |
Independence and the National Day:
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March 26 is the day of independence of Bangladesh. It is the biggest state festival. This day is most befittingly observed. Citizens including government leaders and socio-political organizations and freedom fighters place floral wreaths at the National Martyrs Monument at Savar. Bangla Academy, Bangladesh Shillakala Academy and other socio-cultural organizations holds cultural functions. At night the main public building are tastefully illuminated to give the capital city a dazzling look. Similar functions are arranged in other parts of the country.
Victory Day:
The 16th December is the victory day of Bangladesh. On the day people irrespective of race, caste, age throng at the National Martyrs Mausoleum at Savar to pay glowing tributes to the country’s heroes. The day is also marked with mirth and organizing various kind of sports in schools and college.
One of the two main Muslim religious festivals, Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated in Bangladesh with great enthusiasm and religious fervor. On this day, everyone dress in festive clothes and prepare special food . Relatives and neighbours also share the joys of this festival. The government declares holiday for three days on the occasion. People who live in towns but have their families or parents in villages go to their country homes to meet relatives and celebrate the festival together. Eid fairs are organized at many rural places. These fairs are basically gatherings that promote friendship among people.
Eid-ul Azha:
Also know as Eid-al-kurban or Eid-al-Nahr, it is one of the two main Muslim religious festivals. In Bangladesh it is popularly known as Kurbanir Eid. Eid-ul-Azha is an Arbic word meaning festival of sacrifice. Like all other Muslims of the world, Muslim of Bangladesh celebrates Eid-ul Azha in an appropriate manner with religious fervor and enthusiasm. People sacrifice animals as per the religion’s decree after finishing their Eid prayer.
Durga Puja:
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The most important religious festival of Bengali Hindus, the Durga puja celebrates the return of goddess to her natal home. There are two pujas associated with Durga: Basanti puja in spring (basanta), and Sharadiya puja in autumn (sharat). Basanti Puja is performed in the first fortnight of Chaitar (March-April and saradiya puja in the first fortnight of Aswin or Kartik (October-November). Nowadays Basanti puja is rarely performed and Durge puja has become synonymous with saradiya puja. On the occasion of Durage puja, the goddess is invoked on the sasthi, sixth day, of Aswin or Kartik. Puja is offered on the shsthi, astami, navami or mahanavami (the seventh, eighth and ninth days). The image of the goddess is immersed in water on the dishami (tenth day) |
Christmas Day:
Chistmas Day, popularly called “Bara Din (Big Day)