GB Members

Governing Board Members of the SAARC Cultural Centre

Mr. Md. Mizanur Rahman, (Current Chairperson)
Joint Secretary,
Ministry of Cultural Affairs,
Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Ms. Tshering Choki,
Senior Programme Officer,
Department of Culture and Dzongkha Development,
Ministry of Home Affairs,
Thimphu, Bhutan.

Mr. Yash Veer Singh,
Director, International Cultural Relations,
Ministry of Culture,
Shastri Bawan,
New Delhi, India.

Awaiting nomination of the Governing Board Member representing the Member State of Maldives.

Dr. Suresh Suras Shrestha,
Head of Division / Joint Secretary,
Culture Division,
Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation,
Kathmandu, Nepal.

Awaiting nomination of the Governing Board Member representing the Member State of Pakistan.

Awaiting nomination of the Governing Board Member representing the Member State of Sri Lanka.