SAARC Cultural Extravaganza

Culture within the South Asian Region is extremely diverse and is formed of many different types of artistry. Music, dance, art, film, literature, poetry etc are a few examples of the wonderfully dynamic ways within which a country and indeed an entire Region could share their unique and colourful cultural heritage. On this occasion, we hope to focus on the unifying and incredibly varied form of culture, Music.

The SAARC Cultural Extravaganza will be held in the Member State of Pakistan and the dates will be announced shortly.  This Programme will take place over the course of four days in 2017.

There will be an opportunity to showcase and share a variety of Musical genres from the Region, with performances, interactive workshops and fellowship opportunities for the Musicians.

We hope to include the following elements in the Cultural Extravaganza, subject to confirmation from the Host Member State of Pakistan:

  1. Opening Ceremony and Inaugural Performance of traditional music: The Opening Ceremony of the Extravaganza will include a performance featuring all the musical artists from the participating Member States.  It will showcase the musical talents of the Region, and display the diverse traditional cultural musical identity of each Member State. Musicians are requested to be in traditional attire wherever possible, so there will be an additional element of visual diversity as well.
  2. Additional performance: We hope to arrange an additional performance for the Musicians which will give the musicians to further showcase a different genre of music, giving them the opportunity to display their versatility as musicians
  3. Interactive Workshop – There will be an interactive workshop facilitated by a professional musician, which will encourage participating musicians to share the unique aspects of their traditional music. It will include discussions about the importance of musical education and its importance in the Region. It will also consider other varied forms of music such as popular, film, folk music etc. The Interactive Workshop will be open to all artists, teachers and students.
  4. Session for creativity and fellowship: We hope to include a very unique combined performance by all the participating Member States for the Closing Ceremony. This would give all Musicians an opportunity to interact and create something they enjoy and which is unique. Through it, strengthen the relationship between the musicians from the participating Member States. We will schedule adequate rehearsal time during which we hope the participating musicians may be able to prepare a joint musical item for the Closing Ceremony
  5. Closing Ceremony: The highlight of the Closing Ceremony will be the jointly produced piece of music, which will have been prepared by the participating Member States.


  1. All Member States are invited to nominate a maximum of 5 musicians each to participate in the Programme. The Host Member State of Pakistan, is invited to nominate a maximum of 10 participants to attend the Programme.
  2. Nominated artists should have excelled in their field of music and the use of traditional instruments is encouraged.
  3. The artists should be prepared to present up to a minimum of 3 musical items for the duration of the Extravaganza, between approximately 6-8 mins duration each. One item should include traditional music.
  4. Musicians will be required to bring their musical instruments with them.

If you are a part of, or know of, a team of up to 5 musicians who would benefit from this opportunity, please contact the relevant line Ministry relating to Culture and SAARC Activities in your Country regarding an official nomination.

Airfare is generally provided by the nominating Member State and all accommodation, hospitality and transfers in Pakistan, will be provided by the SAARC Cultural Centre for all Officially Nominated Participants.


  1. Names of the nominated artists, together with the relevant details, need to be sent through the relevant Ministry concerned, via the Foreign/External Affairs Ministries in the respective Member States, to the SAARC Secretariat.
  2. A biography, photograph and contact details of each Nominated Musician from each participating Member State, should be sent directly – via email – to:
    The Deputy Director – Programmes, The SAARC Cultural Centre:

    With a copy to:
    The Documentation Officer, The SAARC Cultural Centre:

This material will be edited as appropriate by the SAARC Cultural Centre, and will be included in the Brochure prepared for the Programme.

The details of the Musicians as stated above should reach the SAARC Cultural Centre at the earliest convenience.