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  • Hindu Cultural Trails: Celebration of a Timeless Tradition – Gods and Goddesses, Pilgrims and Prayers, Temples and Texts

    Background The 18th SAARC Summit held in November 2014 in Kathmandu approved the proposal “South Asian Cultural Trails” which commenced with the Research Seminar on Buddhist Cultural Trails in 2017.  The SAARC Seminar, Research Grant and Publications on Hindu Cultural Trails will be the second Seminar in the series of “South Asian Cultural Trails”. The […]

  • SAARC International Women’s Day 2018

    In 2018, the SAARC Cultural Centre celebrated SAARC International Women’s Day, in collaboration with the Department of Cultural Affairs in Sri Lanka, on Thursday the 8th of March 2018, at the District Secretariat in Kalutara.  The International Women’s Day was celebrated in collaboration with the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Wayamba […]

  • SAARC Exhibition of Paintings

    The SAARC Cultural Centre is the custodian of the paintings created by the Artists from the SAARC Region during the SAARC Artists Camp held annually in different locations.  The SCC will an exhibition showcasing these paintings to the public in Sri Lanka to understand the art and culture of the region through the eyes of […]

  • International Women’s Day Celebrations

    The SAARC Cultural Centre will be highlighting women and their remarkable journey, showcasing their unique talents, immense potential and generous spirit.

  • SAARC Literary Award and Ceremony 2018

    Background The Honoured Members of the 54th Programming Committee and the Governing Board Members of the 9th Governing Board Meeting of the SAARC Cultural Centre approved the presentation of the SAARC Literary Award 2018, which would bring attention to the Writers of South Asia within an International sphere.  The SAARC Literary Award commenced with a […]

  • SAARC Handicraft Exhibition and Workshop

    The SAARC Handicraft Exhibition and Workshop will provide a suitable platform for the Exhibition of handmade treasures form the South Asian Region and to provide the creators of these valuable pieces of the Region’s Heritage, a forum for discussion, interaction and exchange of valuable tools and knowledge of the trade, within an atmosphere of friendship […]

  • SAARC Cultural Festival on Traditional Dance

    Culture within the South Asian Region is rich, diverse and is flavoured with a multitude of influences.  The very concept of art and culture, knows no boundaries and has the ability to transcend differences and unite nations and people.  Few entities are as powerful as the universally accepted mechanism of building bridges and fostering understanding […]

  • The SAARC Film Festival 2017

    The SAARC Film Festival was successfully concluded with the SAARC Film Awards at the National Film Corporation Cinema Hall on 25th November 2017.  Mrs. Rosy Senananayake, Deputy Chief of Staff to the Hon. Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, former High Commissioner to Malaysia, former Parliamentarian and State Minister of Child Development and Media figure graced […]

  • SAARC Film Festival 2017

    A Powerful and Unique Experience in Cultural Diversity Dates: 21st to 25th November 2017 Venue:  National Film Corporation Cinema Hall, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka. Entrance:  Free Since its inception in 2011, the SAARC Film Festival has been held in Sri Lanka, and with every year, it has gained a reputation for promoting and […]

  • SAARC Cultural Extravaganza

    Culture within the South Asian Region is extremely diverse and is formed of many different types of artistry. Music, dance, art, film, literature, poetry etc are a few examples of the wonderfully dynamic ways within which a country and indeed an entire Region could share their unique and colourful cultural heritage. On this occasion, we […]