Our events

  • RESCHEDULED – SAARC Film Festival 2019

      The SAARC Cultural Centre is delighted to announce…   DATES AND VENUE 2nd July 2019 Inauguration Ceremony @ The Cinema Hall, National Film Corporation, Sri Lanka 4th July 2019 Film Workshop @ Colombo Film and Television Academy (Prior registration required) 7th July 2019 SAARC Film Awards and Closing Ceremony @ The Cinema Hall, National […]

  • SAARC Research Grant Islamic Cultural Trails: Journey through Time and Space – Minarets and Mosques, Tombs, Trade, Tradition and Technology

    1.    BACKGROUND The “South Asian Cultural Trails” was approved by the 18th SAARC Summit in Kathmandu in November 2014.   The Islamic Cultural Trails is the third Research Grant on South Asian Cultural Trails and was approved by the 10th Governing Board Meeting of the SAARC Cultural Centre and the 56th Session of the Programming Committee […]

  • SAARC Film Festival 2019

    1) INTRODUCTION SAARC Cultural Centre will be holding the SAARC Film Festival for the 9th consecutive year in 2019 in Sri Lanka.  The SAARC Film Festival has built a reputation as being a very important platform and focal point for the promotion, celebration and enjoyment of some of the best films from the SAARC Region.  […]

  • SAARC International Women’s Day 2019 – A celebration of the struggles, triumphs and legacy of women

    The first ever Women’s Day was celebrated on 28th February 1909 in the United States and subsequently 8th March was adopted as the International Women’s Day.  The International Women’s Day was formally adopted by the United Nations in 1975 the International Year of Women and universally celebrated on 8th March each year.  The International Women’s […]

  • SAARC Exhibition of Paintings 2019

    The SAARC Exhibition of Paintings organized by the SAARC Cultural Centre in collaboration with the University of Kelaniya will be held from the 22nd – 24th of January 2019, at the Senake Bandaranayake Hall, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. The exhibition intends to promote regional unity through the medium of Art, to […]

  • SAARC Non-Violence Day Art Competition 2018

    To mark the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi (2 Oct), which is also observed as SAARC Non-Violence Day and International Non-Violence Day, the SAARC Cultural Centre organized an art competition among school children in Sri Lanka. This Art Competition was aimed at creating awareness on the need to revive and inspire peace, tolerance, non-discrimination, co-existence, […]

  • SAARC Exhibition of Paintings 2018

    The SAARC Cultural Centre is delighted to announce the SAARC Exhibition of Paintings 2018 will take place from Tuesday the 10th of July to Friday the 13th of July at the Library premises of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura.  The Inauguration Ceremony will take place on Tuesday 10th July 2018 at the Library of the […]

  • SAARC Archaeology and Heritage Management Training Workshop: Footsteps of the Past, Custodians of the Present, Heritage of the Future

    16th to 18th December 2018 Kabul, Afghanistan Background Tangible Cultural Heritage (TCH) of South Asia is not limited to World Heritage Sites and the landscape is dotted with archaeological sites indicating the long and eventful history of the Region.  In many of these TCH sites there are associated Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) which are neglected […]

  • SAARC Handicraft Exhibition and Workshop Thimphu, Bhutan 31st May 2018 to 1st June 2018

    Handicrafts are a part of the culture of the SAARC Region, the tangible representation of the intangible aspects of culture.  The artisans create their products using traditional material and techniques which reflect the history of each Member State through handicraft.  Many of these handicrafts, associated knowledge and techniques, specially the intangible aspects are fast disappearing […]

  • The Eighth SAARC Film Festival 2018 – Awards Ceremony

    The Eighth SAARC Film Festival was concluded with the Eighth SAARC Film Awards Ceremony held at the National Film Corporation Film Theatre in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 27th May 2018. The Hon. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe, Minister of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs graced this occasion as the Chief Guest. Mr. Munir Ghiasy of the Embassy of […]