SAARC Painting Exhibition 2023

Captivating Canvasses of the Vibrant Colours of Culture is an Exhibition of Paintings organized by the SAARC Cultural Centre (SCC) in Collaboration with the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka.  The SCC is the custodian of a large collection of paintings created by the artists of the SAARC Region during the SAARC Artists’ Camps held annually from 2011 to 2019.  This Exhibition is organized to create an understanding of the cultures of the SAARC Member States as depicted through the artists of the Region.  

The exhibition will be held at the Royal Asiatic Society premises at the Mahaweli Centre.

Date: 7th to 10th November 2023
Inauguration: 7th November 2023 at 11am 
Venue: Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka, No. 96, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 07.  
All are welcome.



SAARC Cultural Center observed the 36th SAARC Charter Day on the 8th of December 2020 at the Centre premises in a very charming, yet in an elegant manner to embrace the decisive steps taken by the Heads of Eight Member States to develop South Asia’s unique identity through its Cooperation towards each member state. This day marks the adoption of SAARC Charter which reckoned the establishment of South Asia’s Regional Cooperation (SAARC) at its very first Summit meeting held in Dhaka in 1985 with the inaugural participation of all the Heads of States.

As we celebrate the 36th year of commemoration, Member States of the SAARC show cased the re-affirmation of their strong commitment towards fostering the mutual connectivity within the region and stabilizing the regional ties. It recognizes the determination and commitment of the Member States of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka in furthering the acceleration of socio economic and cultural development in the region.

Through out the past decade, with the establishment of SAARC Cultural Centre in Colombo, Sri Lanka in 2009, with the gracious imagination and the Great Vision and Mission of the former President His Excellency Mahinda Rajapaksha (presently the Honourable Prime Minister and the Honourable Minister of Buddha Sasana and Cultural Affairs) it has been functioning as the Centre par Excellence in restoring, developing and promoting the culture and its distinctive aspects of the region through a variety of activities and Research to facilitate the cultural development within the region. The Centre has paved the path for many cultural programmes intending to cultivate the mutuality in cultural cooperation. SAARC Charter Day, one of the highlights in the Calendar of Activities of the Centre, marks and symbolizes the utmost commitment and the accomplishment of the Member States in pursuing and attaining its goals.

However, the year 2020 witnessed a reception attended by a limited number of officials representing the SAARC Cultural Centre, due to the prevailing COVID-19 Pandemic situation as it affected the activities of proposed by the Center as well. Therefore, the 36th SAARC Charter Day was not grandeur as it was before, and held keeping the health guidelines issued by the respective authorities of the host country and the instructions given by the SAARC Secretariat.

Thus, the reception commenced with the Director’s welcome of the officials of the SAARC Cultural Centre, and a brief of the History and significance of the SAARC Charter Day. Thereafter, she orated the Message of His Excellency the President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa (Click here) The President has made a special reference to the recent efforts taken in establishing and moderating SAARC COVID-19 emergency fund and its operationalization. Further he has reaffirmed the continuous support and firm commitment to the SAARC process and progress.

Following the oration of the His Excellency the President, she orated the message sent by the Honourable Prime Minister and the Minister of Buddha Sasana and Cultural Affairs of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa. The speech made the point of placing utmost commitment to make the regional mechanism dynamic and result oriented for the benefit of common progress of the region. Further the message noted Sri Lanka’s full and firm commitment to taking forward the organisation and its principles (Click here).She further orated the message sent by His Excellency the Secretary General of the SAARC. Mr. Esala Ruwan Weerakoon. His message marked the appreciation towards the initiative of SAARC Covid-19 emergency fund and commended the continuous efforts of the Member States in mitigating the Covid-19 pandemic (Click here).

Later, the Director invited the Deputy Director for Programmes to read out the message sent by the Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Dinesh Gunawardena of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. He made a special reference highlighting Sri Lanka’s cooperation and firm determination in achieving shared vision of achieving prosperity for the people of the region (Click here).

Following the oration of the felicitation messages, the reception concluded with serving of refreshments to the officials present.


SAARC International Women’s Day

i.    Date: 8th March 2020
ii.   Venue: Bangladesh
iii.  Programme: Non-Participatory
iv.  Theme: “Women in Handicraft sector of Bangladesh

8th of March is observed as the SAARC International women’s Day coinciding with the International Women’s Day celebrations held around the globe. This year, the Centre organizes this programme in association with the Ministry of Women and Child affairs of Bangladesh. The 2020 programme aims at recognising “Women in Handicraft sector of Bangladesh”.

Handicrafts of Bangladesh can be traced back to the time immemorial and it includes textile, metal works, jewelry, woodworks, clay, pottery and jute products. Over the time, the handicrafts of Bangladesh have gained much attention and still in the momentum of acquiring recognition around the globe. Women play a predominant role in the handicraft sector of Bangladesh comprising of self-employed & home-based workers. As this year’s celebrations are taking place in Bangladesh, the role of women in Handicrafts sector of Bangladesh will be highlighted.

The focus of the programme is a Forum of discussion titled ‘Expression of Womanhood through Handicrafts’. This forum is expected to generate productive outcomes that would be instrumental in the development of Handicrafts sector. Significantly to discuss matters which are more relevant to the handicraft sector in the region of South Asia; like using online platform for marketing, highlighting sustainable materials of the handicrafts, relating crafts and folk-tales.  The programme will acknowledge prominent women personalities from the Handicraft sector of Bangladesh. The key note address will focus on prospective aspects of crafts as the only alternative for sustainable life products. Through this Forum, speakers will be sharing their life journey as artisans: their challenges and successes. The SAARC Cultural Centre strongly believes that this interactive platform would facilitate the exchange of experiences and will spark the motivation and confidence among the women aspirants.

SAARC Research Grant Islamic Cultural Trails: Journey through Time and Space – Minarets and Mosques, Tombs, Trade, Tradition and Technology


The “South Asian Cultural Trails” was approved by the 18th SAARC Summit in Kathmandu in November 2014.   The Islamic Cultural Trails is the third Research Grant on South Asian Cultural Trails and was approved by the 10th Governing Board Meeting of the SAARC Cultural Centre and the 56th Session of the Programming Committee of SAARC.  The Research Grants will provide an opportunity for the Member States to explore new research areas and sites along the Islamic Cultural Trails.  This will also act as a precursor to the Cultural Trails proposed for the future and lay the ground work in research to look at Cultural Trails as connected routes where ideas, information and knowledge travelled in all directions.  8 Research Grants will be disbursed, one for each Member State.


2.1    To encourage new research through the SAARC Research Grants on the Cultural Trails of the SAARC Region.
2.2    To encourage new research on identification of new sites, locations, cultural trails, tangible and intangible heritage associated with Islamic Cultural Trails.
2.3    To facilitate new research and new approaches to study the Islamic Cultural Trails as an integrated entity.
2.4    To study and analyse all different perspectives and areas which influenced the establishment, development and continuation of the Cultural Trails in the Region.
2.5    To present innovative measures for the conservation and preservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the SAARC Region.


One research proposal will be selected from each Member State to be awarded the short-term Research Grant of US$ 1,000/=.  The selection of Research Proposals will be carried out by a team of experts selected by the SAARC Cultural Centre.

The SAARC Cultural Centre invites Academics and Researchers from Member States to submit detailed Research Proposals (along with the detailed budget breakdown for US$ 1,000/=) for new and innovative short-term research projects on the Islamic Cultural Trails.  The first instalment of the grant (US$ 500/=) will be made at the commencement of the Research Project.  The final payment is subject to the review of the final presentation made to a team of experts via video conferencing and submission of the Final Research Report.  Any suggestions / recommendations made by the SCC team of experts at this stage should be included in the research process by the respective researchers.

At the completion of the research project, each researcher will be required to submit a Research Report of academic quality to be published in the “South Asian Cultural Trails” publication series of the SAARC Cultural Centre in 2020.  Academics and Researchers are encouraged to present the Research Project at a local or international forum within one year and to disseminate the knowledge gathered with the relevant stakeholders (academic discussion, tourism industry, sustainable development, etc.).  Relevant documents with regard to the above dissemination of information should be sent to the SCC.


The following themes have been identified for the Research Seminar and Research Grant on Islamic Cultural Trails.  However, research proposals based on different themes will also be accepted depending on their content and relevance to the Islamic Cultural Trails.

4.1    Islamic Cultural Trails – (Refer to Annexure 1 for Details).
4.2    Identification of New Sites and Locations along the Islamic Cultural Trails.
4.3    Comparative Studies of Islamic sites (monuments, mosques, minarets, tombs, etc.,) in the Region.
4.4    Comparative Research and interpretation of Landscape values of Islamic gardens.
4.5    Travels of Islamic Pilgrims.
4.6    Cultural Symbolism of Islam.
4.7    Art and Architecture of ICT.
4.8    Archaeology of ICT.
4.9    Intangible Heritage of ICT (Music, dance, folk art, folk stories, traditional healing, handicrafts, etc.).
4.10   Trade and Commerce of ICT.
4.11    Manuscripts, texts and inscriptions, languages and scripts of Islam.
4.12    Technology of ICT (Irrigation, engineering, agriculture, etc.)
4.13    Cultural Diffusion of Islam.
4.14    Heritage Management of ICT sites.
4.15    Tourism promotion of ICT.


5.1    Academics, Scholars and Researchers of the SAARC Member States.
5.2    Academics, Scholars and Researchers who have received Research Grants from the SAARC Cultural Centre previously will not be eligible.


6.1    Format for the Application is attached herewith as Annexure 2
6.2    Each Member State can forward any number of Research Proposals for consideration.
6.3    Research Proposals should be for an innovative and new research based on the themes mentioned above (No. 4 of this document).
6.4    New themes related to Islamic Cultural Trails.
6.5    All sections of the application should be completed (Part A, B and C).
6.6    Incomplete applications will not be considered.
6.7    Applications must be forwarded to the SAARC Secretariat in Kathmandu, Nepal through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Ministry of External Affairs of the Member State.
6.8    An advance copy can be emailed to the SAARC Cultural Centre – with copy to
6.9    All Research Proposals must reach the SAARC Cultural Centre by 31st October 2019.
6.10    The Research Grant will be distributed in 2 instalments – The first instalment (US$ 500/=) at the commencement of the project and final instalment (US$ 500/=) after the submission of the final report with reviewers’ comments.
6.11    Each recipient of the SAARC Research Grant must submit a research report of academic quality.
6.12    The final payment is subject to the review of the final presentation made to a team of reviewers via video conferencing.   Any suggestions/recommendations made by the SCC team of reviewers at this stage should be included in the research process by the respective researchers.


7.1    Deadline for accepting research proposals – 31st October 2019
7.2    Selection of research proposals – 30th November 2019
7.3    Commencement of the research -10th December 2019
7.4    Submission of final report – 31st March 2020
7.5     Presentation of the research to the team of reviewers – May 2020
7.6    Resubmitting the research report with reviewers’ comments – June 2020

SAARC Film Festival 2019


SAARC Cultural Centre will be holding the SAARC Film Festival for the 9th consecutive year in 2019 in Sri Lanka.  The SAARC Film Festival has built a reputation as being a very important platform and focal point for the promotion, celebration and enjoyment of some of the best films from the SAARC Region.  A reputed panel of international judges will select the best films and recognise the individuals who are at the very core of this creativity as a form of encouragement and respect to continue producing quality, thought provoking and representational films for the Region.

The SAARC Film Festival 2019 will focus on films created in South Asia and first screened after 1st May 2017.  Directors and artistes of these films will be invited to participate in the workshop, which is conducted to encourage and improve future productions.

Please send in nominations and benefit from the exposure this magnificent event will bring to the industry, artistes, vision and creativity of the directors and movie makers of each valued SAARC Member State.  Most importantly, be present as we showcase a very special part of culture and art within our varying and wonderfully diverse Member States.

As such, the SAARC Cultural Centre looks forward to receiving the valued nominations of Member States at the earliest convenience and no later than the deadlines specified below.  We warmly invite the Member States to join us, as we resume our journey in 2019 to bring South Asian film to the forefront of the international film world.


There will be three film categories open for nominations at the SAARC Film Festival 2019:

  1. Feature Films – Nominations for the Competitive Categories (Maximum of two nominations)
  2. Short Films – Nominations for the Competitive Category (Maximum of two nominations)
  3. Master Films – Non-Competitive Nomination (One Nomination)


  1. All Member States are invited to nominate Two (2) Feature Films (Fiction), and Two (2) Short Films (Fiction) for submission to the SAARC Film Festival 2019 competitive categories.
  2. The qualifying period of screening should be two years before May 2019- ie: any film released or screened after 01st May 2017 or films which haven’t been screened as yet.  This applies to both the Feature and Short Film categories.
  3. A Short Film is defined as a ‘Short Fictional Film’, for any duration UNDER 30 minutes. Documentary Films will not be considered in this category.
  4. As the aim of this SAARC Film Festival is to promote culture and embrace unity amidst the diversity of culture that is shared among the SAARC Member States, films nominated should aim to promote culture, foster friendship and cultural harmony between Member States and not showcase films that would in any way be prejudicial to another Member State.  Films that are prejudicial to another country, or that would highlight issues that would not be in keeping with the aim of promoting the Festival and fostering goodwill in the Region, will be disqualified.  The organisers reserve the right to view nominated films prior to the Festival, and disqualify any film that would go against the very objective of promoting peace and harmony through culture within the SAARC Region.
  5. The Feature films and Short films nominated will be eligible for the Awards detailed below.
  6. All nominated films must be in English or subtitled in English.  Any film submitted without English subtitles, will be disqualified.
  7. EACH Film Nomination must be accompanied by a fully completed Registration form, which is attached to this Concept Note.
  8. All nominated films from the Region will be judged by an international jury of film professionals, and their decision will be final.
  9. All expenses pertaining to sending the film in the required format – as detailed below, will have to be borne by the nominating Member State.
  10. For submission dates and deadlines, please refer Section 9 below.


  1. Under this category we would be honoured to screen films from each SAARC Member State, made by master film makers of the Member State.  As such, each Member State is encouraged to nominate ONE film, nationally accepted as being a master work by a master film maker of that respective Member State.  This would give a broader spectrum to the Film Festival and allow the SAARC Cultural Centre to showcase the depth and value of the ‘classic’ whilst celebrating and encouraging the ‘contemporary’.  In turn it will create an environment which celebrates the wider spectrum of film making, showcasing quality that has endured through the ages and its invaluable contribution to life and culture, through the passage of time.
  2. For submission dates and deadlines, please refer Section 9 below.


Dates:  2nd – 7th July 2019, including the following:

  • 2nd July 2019:   Inauguration Ceremony
  • 5th July 2019:   Film Workshop
  • 7th July 2019: SAARC Film Awards and Closing Ceremony

Venue:  The Cinema Hall, National Film Corporation, Sri Lanka


The following 12 Awards will be presented at the SAARC Film Awards 2019 on the 7th July 2019, selected by a panel of jury members from non-SAARC Member States.  The decision of the panel will be final.

  1. Best Feature Film
  2. Best Director
  3. Best Actor
  4. Best Actress
  5. Best Short Film
  6. Best Screenplay
  7. Best Cinematographer
  8. Best Editor
  9. Best Sound Designer
  10. Best Original Score (Music Composer)
  11. Special Jury Award No 1
  12. Special Jury Award No 2


  1. The SAARC Cultural Centre invites nominations for the participation of Film Directors and other Artistes from the nominated films to be screened at the SAARC Film Festival 2019.  The Directors and other Artistes will participate in a workshop intended to promote interaction within the film community of the Region.  It will also serve as an educational and knowledge sharing opportunity for young film directors, film enthusiasts and film critiques.  They are also invited and encouraged to participate at the SAARC Film Awards Ceremony scheduled to take place on the 7th July 2019.
  2. Each Member State can nominate a maximum of 4 persons, including Film Directors and Film Artistes, to attend the Festival.
  3. As per SAARC Practice, airfare of the nominated Film Directors and all nominated Artistes must be borne by the nominating Member State.
  4. The Nominated Persons (up to a Maximum of 4) will be provided hotel accommodation, local hospitality and transport as per usual SAARC practice by the SAARC Cultural Centre.
  5. For submission dates and deadlines, please refer Section 9 below


1. All films submitted for the Festival (Feature Films, Short Films and Master Films) should be submitted in DCP in 2K/4K (D Cinema) format or Blu – ray format and downloadable data format.

2. Downloadable data format specifications:

  1. Audio, video and subtitles must be contained in a single file and the file size should not exceed 10 GB.
  2. Please submit HD material in the MP4 format (H.264, AAC, Stereo).
  3. Please encode your video data with a constant bitrate and either 24, 25 or 30 progressive frames per second.
  4. The file name must not include any special characters or blank spaces. Please do not, for example, use any file names like “myfilm!@&%$§ *().mov”.
  5. To ensure a high technical quality, the following settings for file compression are suggested:
    • Size / aspect ratio  –  1920 x 1080 px / 16:9 HD
    • Video codec / min. bit rate  –  H.264 high profile 5.000 – 10.000 Kbit/s
    • Audio codec / min. bit rate  –  AAC / 320 Kbit/s sampling rate 48

If the film is available in a different file format or on DVD, a conversion to H.264 is recommended.  File conversion is offered by the software “HandBrake”, which is free of charge and available for all popular computer operating systems.

3. Please ensure that the films submitted are not defective, are in the required format as stated above in Section 8, and are individually labelled, including the running time of each film.

4. As the aim of the Festival is to promote culture, new trends and ideas, there are no restrictions on themes and topics subject to section 3 (IV) above.

5. All films will be subject to approval from the Sri Lankan Public Performance Board prior to screening at SAARC Film Festival 2019

6. Member States must deliver 3 COPIES (Public Performance Board, records and screening) of the final format to the SAARC Cultural Centre as detailed above in Section 8 for the Festival screening, NO LATER THAN 8th April 2019.

7. For publicity purposes, please include a standard Press Kit with the required information, giving special consideration to the following:

  1. 150-word synopsis of EACH film submitted for the Festival;
  2. 3 High resolution (300 dpi) images from each film;
  3. 1 Profile picture of the Director (300 dpi);
  4. Biography of the Director;
  5. Film trailers, clip reels, posters, post cards if available;
  6. Film Reviews – to be sent in together with the names of the nominated films.

8. In addition to the Registration form, please email the information stated above in Section 8 (7) NO LATER THAN 8th APRIL 2019 to:


  1. Titles of the nominated Films in all Categories (Short, Feature and Master) along with their relevant details (as stated above in section No. 8) should be sent through the relevant ministry of the nominating Member State, via their Foreign/External Affairs Ministries, to the SAARC Secretariat Kathmandu, to reach the SAARC Cultural Centre in Colombo, no later than the 8th of April 2019.
  2. Names of the Film Personnel (up to a maximum of 4 Film Directors and/or Artistes) nominated to represent each SAARC Member State, should be sent through the relevant ministry concerned of the nominating Member State, via their Foreign/External Affairs Ministries, to the SAARC Secretariat Kathmandu, to reach the SAARC Cultural Centre in Colombo by the 8th of April 2019.
  3. 3 copies each of the Nominated Films in the specified format please refer section 8 and the relevant publicity material and press kits, should be sent through the relevant Ministry of the nominating Member State, via their Foreign/External Affairs Ministries, directly to the SAARC Cultural Centre, Sri Lanka as detailed in the attached Registration Form, to reach the SAARC Cultural Centre, no later than the 8th April 2019.


The SAARC Cultural Centre wishes to contact the Directors/Producers of the Feature Films and Short Films to obtain permission to screen their films at appropriate official SAARC Cultural Centre events.  Please tick the appropriate box in the application form (attached) if the Directors/Producers are willing to be contacted for permission to screen their films. Films will only be screened with the prior written permission of the Directors/Producers of the films.

SAARC Exhibition of Paintings 2019

The SAARC Exhibition of Paintings organized by the SAARC Cultural Centre in collaboration with the University of Kelaniya will be held from the 22nd – 24th of January 2019, at the Senake Bandaranayake Hall, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. The exhibition intends to promote regional unity through the medium of Art, to provide an opportunity to showcase the heritage of Member States by displaying paintings of Artists from the South Asian Region and to preserve, Conserve and protect South Asia’s Culture through Art.

The Exhibition will feature the works of art created by artists of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka at the SAARC Artist Camp held in Sri Lanka in 2018 and also a selection of artworks produced at the SAARC Artist Camps during the preceding years.

With a view to encourage young children to explore the field of painting as a medium of self-expression, the exhibition will also feature lectures and discussions on Painting and Art and a workshop on art therapy titled “Creative and Expressive Art Therapy” for senior Art Students (O/L & A/L).

Workshop on “Creative and Expressive Art Therapy”
Date : Wednesday the 23rd of January 2019
Session  i) 10.00 am – 11.00 am
Session  ii) 12.00 pm – 1.00 pm
Session  iii) 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm

Lecture & Discussion on Paintings and Art
Date : Thursday the 24th of January 2019
Session i) 11.00 am –  1.00 pm
Session ii) 2.00 pm  –  4.00 pm

Admission to all events is free

For further details contact:

Mr. Mahinda Sumanasekara – Documentation Officer,
Mobile: 0771053008, e-mail:

Mr. Harishnath Nadarajah – Programme Assistant,
Mobile: 0774997193, e-mail:

SAARC Archaeology and Heritage Management Training Workshop: Footsteps of the Past, Custodians of the Present, Heritage of the Future

16th to 18th December 2018
Kabul, Afghanistan

Tangible Cultural Heritage (TCH) of South Asia is not limited to World Heritage Sites and the landscape is dotted with archaeological sites indicating the long and eventful history of the Region.  In many of these TCH sites there are associated Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) which are neglected due to lack of resources.  There are sites in the Region which are yet to be identified, conserved, restored and managed for posterity.  However, the biggest challenge the SAARC Region is facing now is the lack of human resources.  This workshop hopes to lay the foundation in building the human resources of the region to face the challenges of Heritage Management for present and future.

Workshop Training Modules  
This is a tentative module and will change according to the Resources Persons nominated by each Member State.

  1. Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMP).
  2. Site interpretation and public awareness.
  3. Disaster preparedness for cultural heritage.
  4. Documentation of archaeological sites.
  5. Photo-documentation of paintings and murals.
  6. Collection management in archaeological sites and museums.
  7. Cultural Impact Assessments in Development Projects.

Resource Persons for the Workshop
Each Member State is kindly requested to nominate a minimum of 1 Resource Person from mid to senior level professionals.  The field of expertise can be one from the list below but not limited to the fields identified below.

  1. Archaeological Excavations
  2. Artefact conservators (metal, terracotta, wooden, glass, etc.)
  3. Disaster Preparedness and Management of Cultural Heritage
  4. Collection Management
  5. Tourism promotion of archaeological sites/tangible cultural heritage
  6. Architectural conservation
  7. Archaeological Surveying
  8. Archaeological Impact Assessments
  9. Experts on GIS and 3D modelling.

Target Participants for the Workshop
The Nominees for the Workshop may be selected from amongst diverse disciplines among Academics and Policy Makers.  Priority should be for early to mid-career level professionals involved in heritage management, policy makers and persons associated with the World Heritage Sites in the Region.  Resource Persons should be selected from mid to senior level professionals.

Academics and Scholars should include but not limited to:

  • Archaeologists,
  • Art Historians,
  • Conservators,
  • Planners,
  • Architects,
  • Curators,
  • Museologists,
  • Heritage Site Managers,
  • Persons working with national and local authorities with experience in the fields of archaeological Conservation and Preservation,
  • Tangible and Intangible Heritage Experts,
  • Managers, planners and staff of heritage sites.

Details for Participation at the Workshop

  1. Official Nominees from the Member States
    The SAARC Cultural Centre invites all Member States to send a maximum of Five Official Nominations.  One of the Nominees should be a Resource Person with an expertise mentioned in No. 5 of this document (mid to senior level professionals).  The others should be early to mid-career professionals working at or in charge of a heritage site of the Member State.

    • The SAARC Cultural Centre would provide the local hospitality (Hotel accommodations on full board basis) and the local transport to all Official Nominees of the SAARC Member States (Participants / Resource Persons).
    • The Airfare of the Official Nominees of the SAARC Member States is to be borne by the respective Member State.

    The Host Country can nominate a maximum of 15 Official Nominees and they will be provided with the Workshop material and the Cultural Tour but no accommodation during the Workshop.

  2. Other Participants
    Category A – The SAARC Cultural Centre would also accept the participation of other Participants/Resource Persons from the Member States (other than the Official Nominees of the respective SAARC Member States).  Air Travel to be borne by the participant and SCC will provide accommodation, Workshop material and the cultural tour.

    • Other Participants (Category A) Selection of Other Participants in this category will be at the discretion of the SAARC Cultural Centre depending on the availability of space.

    Category B – Participants from the Host Country where the Workshop is held can participate.

    • Other Participants (Category B) from the Host country will not be provided with accommodation.
    • Selection of the Other Participants will depend on the availability of space.
  3. Other Information
    • The Language of the Workshop will be English.
    • All participants must submit a Site Report/Country Report.
    • The Workshop material (delegate kit, tea, working lunch) as well as invitations to special events and the cultural tour would be extended to all participants.
  4. Nomination Process
    1. The Official Nominees will be selected by each Member State comprising of leading archaeologists, architects, planners, conservators, site managers and those working with local authorities with experience in the field of management of cultural heritage sites and persons in charge of archaeological sites (Heritage Managers) from the Member State.  Official Nominations should be submitted to the SAARC Secretariat, with the Registration Form (Annexure 1) and the Format for the Submission of Site Reports/Country Papers (Annexure 2) attached (or downloaded from the SCC website) and the details requested at 7.5 of this document.
    2. All Other Participants (Category A and Category B) from each Member State should forward their information (including the Annexure 1 & Annexure 2) through the respective Foreign Ministries to the SAARC Secretariat in Kathmandu.
    3. All Applications must be sent through the respective Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Ministry of External Affairs to the SAARC Secretariat in Kathmandu.  An Advance copy can be emailed to the SAARC Cultural Centre.
  5. All Participants should include:
    1. Full Name and Affiliation of the Person and other details requested in the Registration Form attached herewith.  (Registration Form – Annexure 1)
    2. Detailed CV of the participant.
    3. Scanned Copy of Passport
    4. The Site Report of a Tangible Heritage Site the participant (Official Nominees and Other Participants) is familiar with.  The Site Report should be submitted in the Submission Form attached herewith.  (Format for the Submission of Site Reports/Country Reports – Annexure 2)
    5. The Officially nominated Resource Persons are requested to prepare Country Reports (ie. Situation of the respective Member States) from the perspective of his or her expertise.  The Country Report should be submitted in the Submission Form attached herewith.  (Format for the Submission of Site Reports/Country Reports – Annexure 2)
  6. Format for Submission of Site Reports/Country Reports
    The Format for the Submission of Site Reports/Country Reports are attached as a separate document (Annexure 2).

Site Reports/Country Reports
All participants must prepare a Site Report/Country Reports of an archaeological or cultural heritage site which you are familiar with.  These Reports will be used as case studies during the Workshop.  Please use Annexure 2 to submit the Site Reports.  The Report must contain the following information.

  • Basic Information (Location – Longitude and Latitude, Country, State/Province, District, Town, Village, etc., a map of the area, etc.)
  • Type of Site (Religious, Administrative, Agricultural, Residential, etc.)
  • Authority/Ownership of the Site (Local Government, State Government, Religious Order, etc.)
  • Description of the Site (History, chronology, architectural details, landscape, etc.)
  • Current status (the number of visitors, infrastructure available for visitors, information available for visitors, etc.)
  • Existing publications regarding the site.
  • Websites which refers to this site.
  • Any other relevant details.

Time Schedule for the Workshop & Site Report Submissions
Call for Participation: 27th March 2018
Deadline for accepting Nominees & Participants: 25th November 2018
Submission of Site Reports/Country Reports: 25th November 2018

Workshop: 16th to 17th December 2018
Cultural Tour: 18th December 2018

SAARC Handicraft Exhibition and Workshop Thimphu, Bhutan 31st May 2018 to 1st June 2018

Handicrafts are a part of the culture of the SAARC Region, the tangible representation of the intangible aspects of culture.  The artisans create their products using traditional material and techniques which reflect the history of each Member State through handicraft.  Many of these handicrafts, associated knowledge and techniques, specially the intangible aspects are fast disappearing from the Region due to the introduction of other man-made material.  To revive these traditional crafts and to give the crafts and the artisans a recognition and value, the SAARC Cultural Centre established the Handicraft Exhibition and Workshop.  The SAARC Cultural Centre further hopes to promote Cultural Industries within Region through the SAARC Handicraft Exhibition and Workshop.  The First Handicraft Exhibition and Workshop was held in 2016 in Sri Lanka followed by the Second Handicraft Exhibition and Workshop held in Bangladesh in 2017.  The Third Handicraft Exhibition and Workshop will be held in conjunction with the Culture Capital in Thimphu, Bhutan giving the artisans from the Region more prominence and an opportunity to display their artistry and to work together and learn from each other during the workshop.

SAARC Research Grants 2018

The Research Grants will provide an opportunity for the Member States to explore new research areas and sites along the Hindu Cultural Trails.  This will also act as a precursor to the Cultural Trails proposed for the future and lay the ground work in research to look at Cultural Trails as connected routes where ideas, information and knowledge travelled in all directions.

Objectives of the Research Grant

To encourage new research through the SAARC Research Grants (8 Research Grants, one for each Member State)

  • Research on identification of new sites, locations, trails, Tangible and Intangible Heritage associated with HCT.
  • To facilitate new research and new approaches to study the HCT as an integrated entity.
  • To study and analyse all different perspectives and areas which influenced the establishment, development and continuation of the Cultural Trails in the region.
  • To present innovative measures for the conservation and preservation of HCT locations.

Research Grant Overview  

The SAARC Cultural Centre invites Academics and Researchers from Member States to submit detailed Research Proposals (along with the detailed budget breakdown for US$ 1,000/=) for new and innovative short-term research projects on the Hindu Cultural Trails.  One research proposal will be selected from each Member State to be awarded the short-term research grant of US$ 1,000/=.  The selection of Research Proposals will be carried out by a Team of Experts selected by the SAARC Cultural Centre.  The first instalment of the grant (US$ 500/=) will be made at the commencement of the Research Project.  The final payment is subject to the review of the final presentation made to a Team of Experts via Video Conferencing and submission of the Final Research Paper.  Any suggestions / recommendations made by the SCC Team of Experts at this stage should be included in the research process by the respective researchers.

At the completion of the Research Project each Researcher will be required to submit a Research Report of Academic Research quality to be published in the “South Asian Cultural Trails” publication series of the SAARC Cultural Centre in 2019.  The Research Project is to be presented at a local or international forum within 1 year and to disseminate the knowledge gathered with the relevant stakeholders (Academic discussion, Tourism industry, sustainable development, etc.) and to send SCC the relevant documents with regard to the above dissemination of information.

Research Project Themes

  1. Identification of New Sites and Locations along the Hindu
  2. Cultural Trails.  Comparative Studies of Hindu Temples in different areas.
  3. Comparative Research and interpretation of Landscape values of Hindu Sites.
  4. Travels of Hindu Pilgrims
  5. Connectivity between Hindu Temples of different Countries and Regions.
  6. Hindu Cultural Trails (HCT) –
  7. Art and Architecture of HCT.
  8. Archaeology of HCT.
  9. Intangible Heritage of HCT (Music, dance, folk art, folk stories, traditional healing, handicrafts, etc.)
  10. Trade and Commerce of HCT (Aromatics, Spices, Exotic items, etc).
  11. Hindu Manuscripts, texts and inscriptions, languages and scripts of HCT.
  12. Technology of HCT (Irrigation, engineering, agriculture, etc.)
  13. Cultural Diffusion of HCT
  14. Heritage Management of HCT sites
  15. Tourism promotion of HCT


  1. Academics, Scholars and Researchers of the SAARC Member States.
  2. Academics, Scholars and Researchers who have received Research Grants from the SAARC Cultural Centre previously will not be eligible.

Application Process

  1. Format for the Application is attached herewith as Annexure 1 and available at the SAARC Cultural Centre website. (
  2. Each Member State can forward any number of Research Proposals for consideration.
  3. Research Proposals should be for an innovative and new research based on the themes mentioned above (No. 4 of this document) or on a new theme related to Hindu Cultural Trails.
  4. All sections of the application should be completed (Part A, B and C).  Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  5. Applications must be forwarded to the SAARC Secretariat in Kathmandu, Nepal through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Ministry of External Affairs of the Member State.
  6. An advance copy can be emailed to the SAARC Cultural Centre – with copy to
  7. All Research Proposals must reach the SAARC Cultural Centre by 30th June 2018.
  8. The Research Grant will be distributed in 2 instalments – The first instalment (US$ 500/=) at the commencement of the project and final instalment (US$ 500/=) after the submission of the Final Report.
  9. The final payment is subject to the review of the final presentation made to a Team of Experts via Video Conferencing and submission of the Final Research Paper. Any suggestions/recommendations made by the SCC Team of Experts at this stage should be included in the research process by the respective researchers.
  10. At the end of the Research Project each Researcher will be required to submit a research report of academic research quality.

Time Schedule

Deadline for Accepting Research Proposals: 31st August 2018
Approval for the Research Project: 10th October 2018
Commencement of the Project: 20th October 2018
Final Report: 31st January 2019
Presentation of the Research to the Team of Experts: March 2019

Hindu Cultural Trails: Celebration of a Timeless Tradition – Gods and Goddesses, Pilgrims and Prayers, Temples and Texts


The 18th SAARC Summit held in November 2014 in Kathmandu approved the proposal “South Asian Cultural Trails” which commenced with the Research Seminar on Buddhist Cultural Trails in 2017.  The SAARC Seminar, Research Grant and Publications on Hindu Cultural Trails will be the second Seminar in the series of “South Asian Cultural Trails”.

The SAARC Region is bound together through the shared cultural traits which have evolved through the centuries.  Hinduism is the oldest surviving living religion in South Asia dating back to more than three millennium BCE.

Hinduism is one of the shared cultural characteristics in the region, with art and architecture portraying “unity within diversity” as seen in the evolving styles and the embracing of new characteristics through the ages.  This diversity was a result of interactions that took place along the trading routes criss-crossing east and west Asia, South and Central Asia, along with the exchange of merchandise, knowledge, concepts, designs, religions, technology and other sundry of objects and ideas were also exchanged.  Although the ancient trade routes have long been abandoned, the legacy of those who travelled these routes can be found in the disseminated knowledge, ideas, religions and the diffusion of culture which persists.  These routes can be aptly named “Cultural Trails”.

The “Cultural Trails” display the material culture (Tangible Heritage) of our ancestors, their beliefs and ideologies, their life and culture.  The Hindu Cultural Trails (HCT) will be the second in a series of research fora which aim at strengthening cultural ties in the region through a walk into the shared past of our ancestors, empowering us to work together as the custodians of a shared heritage.  This will be an opportunity for the SAARC countries to revive a dialogue about inherited space through time.  A dialogue which will address the issues of conserving and preserving the Cultural Trails on one hand and how we can utilize this space to understand of our past, to enhance our present and to be economically sustainable through tourism in the future.

Research on Hindu Cultural Trails for 2018 was approved by the Ninth Meeting of the Governing Board of the SAARC Cultural Centre held from 3rd to 4th October 2017 and at the Fifty Fourth Session of the Programming Committee held in Kathmandu from 12th to 13th December 2017.  The Research Seminar on Hindu Cultural Trails is planned as a Regional Forum of discussion for Academics and Policy Makers to identify and develop the cultural, social, economic, religious, connections of the region.

Research Seminar Information

  1. Themes for the Research Seminar
    The following themes have been identified for the Research Seminar.  However, papers based on different themes will be accepted depending on their content and relevance to the Hindu Cultural Trails.

    1. Hindu Cultural Trails – Tirtha Yatra, Shaktha Trails, Shaiva Trails and Vaishnava Trails (Refer to Annexure 1 for Details).
    2. Identification of New Sites and Locations along the Hindu Cultural Trails.
    3. Comparative Studies of Hindu Temples in different areas.
    4. Comparative Research and interpretation of Landscape values of Hindu Sites.
    5. Travels of Hindu Pilgrims.
    6. Connectivity between Hindu Temples of different Countries and Regions.
    7. Art and Architecture of HCT.
    8. Archaeology of HCT.
    9. Intangible Heritage of HCT (Music, dance, folk art, folk stories, traditional healing, handicrafts, etc.).
    10. Trade and Commerce of HCT.
    11. Manuscripts, texts and inscriptions, languages and scripts of Hinduism.
    12. Technology of HCT (Irrigation, engineering, agriculture, etc.)
    13. Cultural Diffusion of Hinduism.
    14. Heritage Management of HCT sites.
    15. Tourism promotion of HCT.


  2. Dates and Venues
    Dates: 8 – 10 October 2018
    Venue: Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts in New Delhi, India
  3. Target Participants for the Research Seminar
    The Nominees for the Research Seminar may be selected from amongst diverse disciplines among Academics and Policy Makers.  Priority should be given to mid to senior level professionals involved in heritage management, policy makers and persons associated with the World Heritage Sites in the RegionAcademics and Scholars should include but not limited to:

    • Archaeologists,
    • Art Historians,
    • Conservators,
    • Curators,
    • Museologists,
    • Anthropologists,
    • Sociologists,
    • Heritage Site Managers,
    • Persons working with national and local authorities with experience in the fields of Conservation, Preservation,
    • Tangible and Intangible Heritage Experts,
    • Ancient Trade and Technology Experts and
    • Managers, planners and staff of heritage sites.

    Policy Makers should include Professionals but not limited to:

    • Ministries of Culture (Culture & Information, Cultural Affairs, etc.)
    • Ministries of Education (Education, Higher Education, etc.)
    • Ministries of Tourism (Tourism, Art and Culture, etc.)
    • Departments of Culture.
    • Departments of Archaeology, Archaeological Surveys, etc.
    • Departments of Museums.
    • Any other relevant Ministries, Departments, Organizations and Institutions.
  4. Details for Participation at the Research Seminar
    1. Officially Nominated Paper Presenters from the Member States
      The SAARC Cultural Centre invites all Member States to send a maximum of Five Official Nominations from experts and academics of their country.  The SCC hopes that at least one nominee would be from the Department of Archaeology of the Member State.

      • The SAARC Cultural Centre would provide the local hospitality (Hotel accommodations on full board basis) and the local transport to all Official Nominees of the SAARC Member States.
      • The Airfare of the Official Nominees of the SAARC Member States is to be borne by the respective Member State.
      • The Host Country can nominate a maximum of 15 Official Nominees and they will be provided with local hospitality.  All Official Nominees of the Host Member State will be invited to participate in the Cultural Tour.
      • All Official Nominees must present a paper at the Seminar.
    2. Other Paper Presenters
      Category A – The SAARC Cultural Centre would also accept the participation of other Experts from the Member States (other than the Official Nominees of the respective SAARC Member States).

      • Applications with abstracts should be sent through the respective Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Ministry of External Affairs to the SAARC Secretariat.
      • The selection of Other Participants (Category A) will be at the discretion of the SAARC Cultural Centre based on the availability of space and relevance of the abstract to the Seminar Themes.
      • Air Travel to be borne by the participant and SCC will provide accommodation, Seminar kit and the cultural tour.

      Category B – Paper Presenters from the Host Country (India) where the Seminar is held can participate.  (It is anticipated that Researchers, academics, etc., from the host city will present papers at the Seminar.)

      • Other Paper Presenters (Category B) from the Host country (India) will not be provided with travel and accommodation.
      • Other Paper Presenters (Category B) will be provided with the Seminar Kit and meals during the seminar.
    3. Other Information
      • The Language of the Seminar will be English.
      • The SAARC Cultural Centre reserves the right to select the Other Participants (in Category A and B) for the Seminar.
      • The Seminar facilities (delegate kit, tea, working lunch) as well as invitations to special events and the field trip would be extended to all paper presenters.
    4. Nomination Process
      The Official Nominees will be selected by each Member State comprising of leading academics, archaeologists and other experts from the Member State.  Official Nominations should be submitted to the SAARC Secretariat, with the Registration Form (Annexure 2) and the Format for the Submission of Country Papers / Abstracts (Annexure 3) attached (or downloaded from the SCC website) and the details requested below.All Other Participants (Category A) from each Member State should forward their information (including the Annexure 2 & Annexure 3) through the respective Foreign Ministries to the SAARC Secretariat in Kathmandu.  An advance copy can be emailed to or last date for sending the Official Nominations / Other Participants is 31st July 2018. All Participants should include:

      1. Full Name and Affiliation of the Person and other details requested in the Registration Form attached herewith. (Registration Form – Annexure 2)
      2. Detailed CV of the participant.
      3. Scanned copy of Passport / Scanned copy of National Identification from the Paper Presenters of the Host Member State of India.
      4. An Abstract (300 words) of the proposed paper.  The Abstract should be submitted in the Submission Form attached herewith.  (Format for the Submission of Abstracts – Annexure 3)
      5. The participants are requested to submit their full papers by 31st August 2018 and prepare a Powerpoint Presentation of 15 minutes maximum to be presented during the Research Seminar.
    5. Format for Submission of Abstracts
      The Format for the Submission Abstracts are attached as a separate document (Annexure 3).
    6. Time Schedule for the Seminar Paper Submissions
      Call for Papers: 9th July 2018
      Deadline for accepting Nominees & Participants: 31st July 2018
      Selection of Abstracts & informing participants: 10th August 2018
      Submission of full papers to be published before the seminar: 31st August 2018

      Seminar: 8th and 9th October 2018
      Cultural Tour: 10th October 2018

Contact Information

Bindu Urugodawatte,
Deputy Director – Research,
SAARC Cultural Centre,
224, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07,
Sri Lanka.

Email: or
Tel/Whatsapp: 0094-77-105-3007