

Book ID: ACCE000743

Author: No

Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006

Number of Pages:262

Book ID: ACCE000510

Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann

Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher

Published Year: 2007

ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3

Number of Pages:546

Book ID: ACCE000301

Author: Tom Turner

Publisher: Island Press 

Published Year: 2009

ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402

Number of Pages:171

Book ID: 000123

Author: Swami Ramdev

Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir

Published Year: 2008

ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4

Number of Pages:96

Book ID: 000011

Author: Mahathma Gandhi

Publisher: National Book Trust India

Published Year: 1994

ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7

Number of Pages:120

Book ID : 000979

Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne 

Publisher : Author

Published Year : 2007

ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6

Number of Pages : 36

Book ID: 000960

Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs

Published Year: 1995

ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2

Number of Pages: 64

Book ID: 000938

Author: K.T.S. Sarao

Published Year: 2010

ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4

Number of Pages:217

Book ID: ACCE000582

Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor )

Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2

Number of Pages:107

SAARC Art Magazine

Book ID: ACCE000582

Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor )

Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2

Number of Pages:107

Book ID: ACCE000743

Author: No

Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006

Number of Pages:262

Book ID: ACCE000510

Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann

Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher

Published Year: 2007

ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3

Number of Pages:546

Book ID: ACCE000301

Author: Tom Turner

Publisher: Island Press 

Published Year: 2009

ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402

Number of Pages:171

Book ID: 000123

Author: Swami Ramdev

Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir

Published Year: 2008

ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4

Number of Pages:96

Book ID: 000011

Author: Mahathma Gandhi

Publisher: National Book Trust India

Published Year: 1994

ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7

Number of Pages:120

Book ID : 000979

Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne 

Publisher : Author

Published Year : 2007

ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6

Number of Pages : 36

Book ID: 000960

Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs

Published Year: 1995

ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2

Number of Pages: 64

Book ID: 000938

Author: K.T.S. Sarao

Published Year: 2010

ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4

Number of Pages:217

Books of Abstracts of SAARC Research Seminars/Conferences/Workshops

Book ID: ACCE000582

Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor )

Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2

Number of Pages:107

Book ID: ACCE000743

Author: No

Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006

Number of Pages:262

Book ID: 000938

Author: K.T.S. Sarao

Published Year: 2010

ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4

Number of Pages:217

Book ID: 000960

Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs

Published Year: 1995

ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2

Number of Pages: 64

Book ID : 000979

Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne 

Publisher : Author

Published Year : 2007

ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6

Number of Pages : 36

Book ID: 000011

Author: Mahathma Gandhi

Publisher: National Book Trust India

Published Year: 1994

ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7

Number of Pages:120

Book ID: 000123

Author: Swami Ramdev

Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir

Published Year: 2008

ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4

Number of Pages:96

Book ID: ACCE000301

Author: Tom Turner

Publisher: Island Press 

Published Year: 2009

ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402

Number of Pages:171

Book ID: ACCE000510

Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann

Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher

Published Year: 2007

ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3

Number of Pages:546

SAARC Film Festival

Book ID: ACCE000582

Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor )

Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2

Number of Pages:107

Book ID: ACCE000743

Author: No

Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006

Number of Pages:262

Book ID: ACCE000510

Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann

Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher

Published Year: 2007

ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3

Number of Pages:546

Book ID: ACCE000301

Author: Tom Turner

Publisher: Island Press 

Published Year: 2009

ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402

Number of Pages:171

Book ID: 000123

Author: Swami Ramdev

Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir

Published Year: 2008

ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4

Number of Pages:96

Book ID: 000011

Author: Mahathma Gandhi

Publisher: National Book Trust India

Published Year: 1994

ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7

Number of Pages:120

Book ID : 000979

Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne 

Publisher : Author

Published Year : 2007

ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6

Number of Pages : 36

Book ID: 000960

Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs

Published Year: 1995

ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2

Number of Pages: 64

Book ID: 000938

Author: K.T.S. Sarao

Published Year: 2010

ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4

Number of Pages:217

Reports of SAARC Conferences/Seminars/Workshops

Book ID: ACCE000582

Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor )

Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2

Number of Pages:107

Book ID: ACCE000743

Author: No

Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006

Number of Pages:262

Book ID: ACCE000510

Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann

Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher

Published Year: 2007

ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3

Number of Pages:546

Book ID: ACCE000301

Author: Tom Turner

Publisher: Island Press 

Published Year: 2009

ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402

Number of Pages:171

Book ID: 000123

Author: Swami Ramdev

Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir

Published Year: 2008

ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4

Number of Pages:96

Book ID: 000011

Author: Mahathma Gandhi

Publisher: National Book Trust India

Published Year: 1994

ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7

Number of Pages:120

Book ID : 000979

Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne 

Publisher : Author

Published Year : 2007

ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6

Number of Pages : 36

Book ID: 000960

Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs

Published Year: 1995

ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2

Number of Pages: 64

Book ID: 000938

Author: K.T.S. Sarao

Published Year: 2010

ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4

Number of Pages:217

SAARC Literature (Poems and Short Stories)

Book ID: ACCE000582

Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor )

Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2

Number of Pages:107

Book ID: ACCE000743

Author: No

Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006

Number of Pages:262

Book ID: ACCE000510

Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann

Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher

Published Year: 2007

ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3

Number of Pages:546

Book ID: ACCE000301

Author: Tom Turner

Publisher: Island Press 

Published Year: 2009

ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402

Number of Pages:171

Book ID: 000123

Author: Swami Ramdev

Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir

Published Year: 2008

ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4

Number of Pages:96

Book ID: 000011

Author: Mahathma Gandhi

Publisher: National Book Trust India

Published Year: 1994

ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7

Number of Pages:120

Book ID : 000979

Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne 

Publisher : Author

Published Year : 2007

ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6

Number of Pages : 36

Book ID: 000960

Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs

Published Year: 1995

ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2

Number of Pages: 64

Book ID: 000938

Author: K.T.S. Sarao

Published Year: 2010

ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4

Number of Pages:217

Author Name : SAARC Cultural Centre Sri Lanka
Country : Sri Lanka
Publisher : SAARC Cultural Centre & Vijitha Yapa Publications
Publised Year : 2014
Publication Format : Book

Author Name : SAARC Cultural Centre Sri Lanka
Country : Sri Lanka
Publisher : SAARC Cultural Centre & Vijitha Yapa Publications
Publised Year : 2014
Publication Format : Book

Author Name : SAARC Cultural Centre Sri Lanka
Country : Sri Lanka
Publisher : SAARC Cultural Centre & Vijitha Yapa Publications
Publised Year : 2013
Publication Format : Book

Author Name : SAARC Cultural Centre
Country : Sri Lanka
Publisher : SAARC Cultural Centre, Colombo
Publised Year : 2013
Publication Format : Book

Author Name : SAARC Cultural Centre
Country : Sri Lanka
Publisher : SAARC Cultural Centre, Colombo
Publised Year : 2012
Publication Format : Book

Author Name : SAARC Cultural Centre
Country : Sri Lanka
Publisher : SAARC Cultural Centre, Colombo
Publised Year : 2012
Publication Format : Book


Book ID: 000938

Author: K.T.S. Sarao

Published Year: 2010

ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4

Number of Pages:217

Book ID: 000960

Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs

Published Year: 1995

ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2

Number of Pages: 64

Book ID : 000979

Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne 

Publisher : Author

Published Year : 2007

ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6

Number of Pages : 36

Book ID: 000011

Author: Mahathma Gandhi

Publisher: National Book Trust India

Published Year: 1994

ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7

Number of Pages:120

Book ID: 000123

Author: Swami Ramdev

Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir

Published Year: 2008

ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4

Number of Pages:96

Book ID: ACCE000301

Author: Tom Turner

Publisher: Island Press 

Published Year: 2009

ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402

Number of Pages:171

Book ID: ACCE000510

Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann

Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher

Published Year: 2007

ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3

Number of Pages:546

Book ID: ACCE000743

Author: No

Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006

Number of Pages:262

Book ID: ACCE000582

Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor )

Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2

Number of Pages:107

Research Papers

Book ID: ACCE000582

Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor )

Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2

Number of Pages:107

Book ID: ACCE000743

Author: No

Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006

Number of Pages:262

Book ID: ACCE000510

Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann

Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher

Published Year: 2007

ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3

Number of Pages:546

Book ID: ACCE000301

Author: Tom Turner

Publisher: Island Press 

Published Year: 2009

ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402

Number of Pages:171

Book ID: 000123

Author: Swami Ramdev

Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir

Published Year: 2008

ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4

Number of Pages:96

Book ID: 000011

Author: Mahathma Gandhi

Publisher: National Book Trust India

Published Year: 1994

ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7

Number of Pages:120

Book ID : 000979

Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne 

Publisher : Author

Published Year : 2007

ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6

Number of Pages : 36

Book ID: 000960

Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs

Published Year: 1995

ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2

Number of Pages: 64

Book ID: 000938

Author: K.T.S. Sarao

Published Year: 2010

ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4

Number of Pages:217

Research Reports (SAARC Research Grant Research Reports)

Book ID: ACCE000582

Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor )

Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2

Number of Pages:107

Book ID: ACCE000743

Author: No

Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006

Number of Pages:262

Book ID: ACCE000510

Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann

Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher

Published Year: 2007

ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3

Number of Pages:546

Book ID: ACCE000301

Author: Tom Turner

Publisher: Island Press 

Published Year: 2009

ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402

Number of Pages:171

Book ID: 000123

Author: Swami Ramdev

Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir

Published Year: 2008

ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4

Number of Pages:96

Book ID: 000011

Author: Mahathma Gandhi

Publisher: National Book Trust India

Published Year: 1994

ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7

Number of Pages:120

Book ID : 000979

Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne 

Publisher : Author

Published Year : 2007

ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6

Number of Pages : 36

Book ID: 000960

Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs

Published Year: 1995

ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2

Number of Pages: 64

Book ID: 000938

Author: K.T.S. Sarao

Published Year: 2010

ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4

Number of Pages:217

SAARC Artist Camp 2018

Book ID: ACCE000582

Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor )

Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2

Number of Pages:107

Book ID: ACCE000743

Author: No

Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006

Number of Pages:262

Book ID: ACCE000510

Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann

Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher

Published Year: 2007

ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3

Number of Pages:546

Book ID: ACCE000301

Author: Tom Turner

Publisher: Island Press 

Published Year: 2009

ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402

Number of Pages:171

Book ID: 000123

Author: Swami Ramdev

Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir

Published Year: 2008

ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4

Number of Pages:96

Book ID: 000011

Author: Mahathma Gandhi

Publisher: National Book Trust India

Published Year: 1994

ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7

Number of Pages:120

Book ID : 000979

Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne 

Publisher : Author

Published Year : 2007

ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6

Number of Pages : 36

Book ID: 000960

Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs

Published Year: 1995

ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2

Number of Pages: 64

Book ID: 000938

Author: K.T.S. Sarao

Published Year: 2010

ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4

Number of Pages:217

SAARC Exhibition of Paintings

Book ID: ACCE000582

Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor )

Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2

Number of Pages:107

Book ID: ACCE000743

Author: No

Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006

Number of Pages:262

Book ID: ACCE000510

Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann

Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher

Published Year: 2007

ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3

Number of Pages:546

Book ID: ACCE000301

Author: Tom Turner

Publisher: Island Press 

Published Year: 2009

ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402

Number of Pages:171

Book ID: 000123

Author: Swami Ramdev

Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir

Published Year: 2008

ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4

Number of Pages:96

Book ID: 000011

Author: Mahathma Gandhi

Publisher: National Book Trust India

Published Year: 1994

ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7

Number of Pages:120

Book ID : 000979

Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne 

Publisher : Author

Published Year : 2007

ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6

Number of Pages : 36

Book ID: 000960

Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs

Published Year: 1995

ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2

Number of Pages: 64

Book ID: 000938

Author: K.T.S. Sarao

Published Year: 2010

ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4

Number of Pages:217

SAARC Event Brochures

Book ID: ACCE000582

Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor )

Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2

Number of Pages:107

Book ID: ACCE000743

Author: No

Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006

Number of Pages:262

Book ID: ACCE000510

Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann

Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher

Published Year: 2007

ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3

Number of Pages:546

Book ID: ACCE000301

Author: Tom Turner

Publisher: Island Press 

Published Year: 2009

ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402

Number of Pages:171

Book ID: 000123

Author: Swami Ramdev

Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir

Published Year: 2008

ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4

Number of Pages:96

Book ID: 000011

Author: Mahathma Gandhi

Publisher: National Book Trust India

Published Year: 1994

ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7

Number of Pages:120

Book ID : 000979

Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne 

Publisher : Author

Published Year : 2007

ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6

Number of Pages : 36

Book ID: 000960

Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs

Published Year: 1995

ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2

Number of Pages: 64

Book ID: 000938

Author: K.T.S. Sarao

Published Year: 2010

ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4

Number of Pages:217

SAARC Cultural Calendar

Book ID: ACCE000582

Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor )

Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2

Number of Pages:107

Book ID: ACCE000743

Author: No

Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms

Published Year: 2016

ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006

Number of Pages:262

Book ID: ACCE000510

Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann

Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher

Published Year: 2007

ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3

Number of Pages:546

Book ID: ACCE000301

Author: Tom Turner

Publisher: Island Press 

Published Year: 2009

ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402

Number of Pages:171

Book ID: 000123

Author: Swami Ramdev

Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir

Published Year: 2008

ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4

Number of Pages:96

Book ID: 000011

Author: Mahathma Gandhi

Publisher: National Book Trust India

Published Year: 1994

ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7

Number of Pages:120

Book ID : 000979

Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne 

Publisher : Author

Published Year : 2007

ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6

Number of Pages : 36

Book ID: 000960

Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs

Published Year: 1995

ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2

Number of Pages: 64

Book ID: 000938

Author: K.T.S. Sarao

Published Year: 2010

ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4

Number of Pages:217

Book ID: ACCE000743 Author: No Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006 Number of Pages:262
Book ID: ACCE000510 Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher Published Year: 2007 ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3 Number of Pages:546
Book ID: ACCE000301 Author: Tom Turner Publisher: Island Press  Published Year: 2009 ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402 Number of Pages:171
Book ID: 000123 Author: Swami Ramdev Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir Published Year: 2008 ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4 Number of Pages:96
Book ID: 000011 Author: Mahathma Gandhi Publisher: National Book Trust India Published Year: 1994 ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7 Number of Pages:120
Book ID : 000979 Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne  Publisher : Author Published Year : 2007 ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6 Number of Pages : 36
Book ID: 000960 Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs Published Year: 1995 ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2 Number of Pages: 64
Book ID: 000938 Author: K.T.S. Sarao Published Year: 2010 ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4 Number of Pages:217
Book ID: ACCE000582 Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor ) Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2 Number of Pages:107
SAARC Art Magazine
Book ID: ACCE000582 Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor ) Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2 Number of Pages:107
Book ID: ACCE000743 Author: No Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006 Number of Pages:262
Book ID: ACCE000510 Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher Published Year: 2007 ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3 Number of Pages:546
Book ID: ACCE000301 Author: Tom Turner Publisher: Island Press  Published Year: 2009 ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402 Number of Pages:171
Book ID: 000123 Author: Swami Ramdev Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir Published Year: 2008 ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4 Number of Pages:96
Book ID: 000011 Author: Mahathma Gandhi Publisher: National Book Trust India Published Year: 1994 ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7 Number of Pages:120
Book ID : 000979 Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne  Publisher : Author Published Year : 2007 ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6 Number of Pages : 36
Book ID: 000960 Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs Published Year: 1995 ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2 Number of Pages: 64
Book ID: 000938 Author: K.T.S. Sarao Published Year: 2010 ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4 Number of Pages:217
Books of Abstracts of SAARC Research Seminars/Conferences/Workshops
Book ID: ACCE000582 Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor ) Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2 Number of Pages:107
Book ID: ACCE000743 Author: No Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006 Number of Pages:262
Book ID: 000938 Author: K.T.S. Sarao Published Year: 2010 ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4 Number of Pages:217
Book ID: 000960 Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs Published Year: 1995 ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2 Number of Pages: 64
Book ID : 000979 Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne  Publisher : Author Published Year : 2007 ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6 Number of Pages : 36
Book ID: 000011 Author: Mahathma Gandhi Publisher: National Book Trust India Published Year: 1994 ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7 Number of Pages:120
Book ID: 000123 Author: Swami Ramdev Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir Published Year: 2008 ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4 Number of Pages:96
Book ID: ACCE000301 Author: Tom Turner Publisher: Island Press  Published Year: 2009 ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402 Number of Pages:171
Book ID: ACCE000510 Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher Published Year: 2007 ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3 Number of Pages:546
SAARC Film Festival
Book ID: ACCE000582 Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor ) Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2 Number of Pages:107
Book ID: ACCE000743 Author: No Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006 Number of Pages:262
Book ID: ACCE000510 Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher Published Year: 2007 ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3 Number of Pages:546
Book ID: ACCE000301 Author: Tom Turner Publisher: Island Press  Published Year: 2009 ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402 Number of Pages:171
Book ID: 000123 Author: Swami Ramdev Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir Published Year: 2008 ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4 Number of Pages:96
Book ID: 000011 Author: Mahathma Gandhi Publisher: National Book Trust India Published Year: 1994 ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7 Number of Pages:120
Book ID : 000979 Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne  Publisher : Author Published Year : 2007 ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6 Number of Pages : 36
Book ID: 000960 Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs Published Year: 1995 ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2 Number of Pages: 64
Book ID: 000938 Author: K.T.S. Sarao Published Year: 2010 ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4 Number of Pages:217
Reports of SAARC Conferences/Seminars/Workshops
Book ID: ACCE000582 Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor ) Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2 Number of Pages:107
Book ID: ACCE000743 Author: No Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006 Number of Pages:262
Book ID: ACCE000510 Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher Published Year: 2007 ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3 Number of Pages:546
Book ID: ACCE000301 Author: Tom Turner Publisher: Island Press  Published Year: 2009 ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402 Number of Pages:171
Book ID: 000123 Author: Swami Ramdev Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir Published Year: 2008 ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4 Number of Pages:96
Book ID: 000011 Author: Mahathma Gandhi Publisher: National Book Trust India Published Year: 1994 ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7 Number of Pages:120
Book ID : 000979 Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne  Publisher : Author Published Year : 2007 ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6 Number of Pages : 36
Book ID: 000960 Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs Published Year: 1995 ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2 Number of Pages: 64
Book ID: 000938 Author: K.T.S. Sarao Published Year: 2010 ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4 Number of Pages:217
SAARC Literature (Poems and Short Stories)
Book ID: ACCE000582 Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor ) Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2 Number of Pages:107
Book ID: ACCE000743 Author: No Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006 Number of Pages:262
Book ID: ACCE000510 Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher Published Year: 2007 ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3 Number of Pages:546
Book ID: ACCE000301 Author: Tom Turner Publisher: Island Press  Published Year: 2009 ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402 Number of Pages:171
Book ID: 000123 Author: Swami Ramdev Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir Published Year: 2008 ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4 Number of Pages:96
Book ID: 000011 Author: Mahathma Gandhi Publisher: National Book Trust India Published Year: 1994 ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7 Number of Pages:120
Book ID : 000979 Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne  Publisher : Author Published Year : 2007 ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6 Number of Pages : 36
Book ID: 000960 Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs Published Year: 1995 ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2 Number of Pages: 64
Book ID: 000938 Author: K.T.S. Sarao Published Year: 2010 ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4 Number of Pages:217
Author Name : SAARC Cultural Centre Sri Lanka Country : Sri Lanka Publisher : SAARC Cultural Centre & Vijitha Yapa Publications Publised Year : 2014 Publication Format : Book
Author Name : SAARC Cultural Centre Sri Lanka Country : Sri Lanka Publisher : SAARC Cultural Centre & Vijitha Yapa Publications Publised Year : 2014 Publication Format : Book
Author Name : SAARC Cultural Centre Sri Lanka Country : Sri Lanka Publisher : SAARC Cultural Centre & Vijitha Yapa Publications Publised Year : 2013 Publication Format : Book
Author Name : SAARC Cultural Centre Country : Sri Lanka Publisher : SAARC Cultural Centre, Colombo Publised Year : 2013 Publication Format : Book
Author Name : SAARC Cultural Centre Country : Sri Lanka Publisher : SAARC Cultural Centre, Colombo Publised Year : 2012 Publication Format : Book
Author Name : SAARC Cultural Centre Country : Sri Lanka Publisher : SAARC Cultural Centre, Colombo Publised Year : 2012 Publication Format : Book
Book ID: 000938 Author: K.T.S. Sarao Published Year: 2010 ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4 Number of Pages:217
Book ID: 000960 Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs Published Year: 1995 ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2 Number of Pages: 64
Book ID : 000979 Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne  Publisher : Author Published Year : 2007 ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6 Number of Pages : 36
Book ID: 000011 Author: Mahathma Gandhi Publisher: National Book Trust India Published Year: 1994 ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7 Number of Pages:120
Book ID: 000123 Author: Swami Ramdev Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir Published Year: 2008 ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4 Number of Pages:96
Book ID: ACCE000301 Author: Tom Turner Publisher: Island Press  Published Year: 2009 ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402 Number of Pages:171
Book ID: ACCE000510 Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher Published Year: 2007 ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3 Number of Pages:546
Book ID: ACCE000743 Author: No Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006 Number of Pages:262
Book ID: ACCE000582 Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor ) Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2 Number of Pages:107
Research Papers
Book ID: ACCE000582 Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor ) Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2 Number of Pages:107
Book ID: ACCE000743 Author: No Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006 Number of Pages:262
Book ID: ACCE000510 Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher Published Year: 2007 ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3 Number of Pages:546
Book ID: ACCE000301 Author: Tom Turner Publisher: Island Press  Published Year: 2009 ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402 Number of Pages:171
Book ID: 000123 Author: Swami Ramdev Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir Published Year: 2008 ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4 Number of Pages:96
Book ID: 000011 Author: Mahathma Gandhi Publisher: National Book Trust India Published Year: 1994 ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7 Number of Pages:120
Book ID : 000979 Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne  Publisher : Author Published Year : 2007 ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6 Number of Pages : 36
Book ID: 000960 Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs Published Year: 1995 ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2 Number of Pages: 64
Book ID: 000938 Author: K.T.S. Sarao Published Year: 2010 ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4 Number of Pages:217
Research Reports (SAARC Research Grant Research Reports)
Book ID: ACCE000582 Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor ) Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2 Number of Pages:107
Book ID: ACCE000743 Author: No Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006 Number of Pages:262
Book ID: ACCE000510 Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher Published Year: 2007 ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3 Number of Pages:546
Book ID: ACCE000301 Author: Tom Turner Publisher: Island Press  Published Year: 2009 ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402 Number of Pages:171
Book ID: 000123 Author: Swami Ramdev Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir Published Year: 2008 ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4 Number of Pages:96
Book ID: 000011 Author: Mahathma Gandhi Publisher: National Book Trust India Published Year: 1994 ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7 Number of Pages:120
Book ID : 000979 Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne  Publisher : Author Published Year : 2007 ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6 Number of Pages : 36
Book ID: 000960 Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs Published Year: 1995 ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2 Number of Pages: 64
Book ID: 000938 Author: K.T.S. Sarao Published Year: 2010 ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4 Number of Pages:217
SAARC Artist Camp 2018
Book ID: ACCE000582 Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor ) Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2 Number of Pages:107
Book ID: ACCE000743 Author: No Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006 Number of Pages:262
Book ID: ACCE000510 Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher Published Year: 2007 ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3 Number of Pages:546
Book ID: ACCE000301 Author: Tom Turner Publisher: Island Press  Published Year: 2009 ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402 Number of Pages:171
Book ID: 000123 Author: Swami Ramdev Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir Published Year: 2008 ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4 Number of Pages:96
Book ID: 000011 Author: Mahathma Gandhi Publisher: National Book Trust India Published Year: 1994 ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7 Number of Pages:120
Book ID : 000979 Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne  Publisher : Author Published Year : 2007 ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6 Number of Pages : 36
Book ID: 000960 Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs Published Year: 1995 ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2 Number of Pages: 64
Book ID: 000938 Author: K.T.S. Sarao Published Year: 2010 ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4 Number of Pages:217
SAARC Exhibition of Paintings
Book ID: ACCE000582 Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor ) Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2 Number of Pages:107
Book ID: ACCE000743 Author: No Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006 Number of Pages:262
Book ID: ACCE000510 Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher Published Year: 2007 ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3 Number of Pages:546
Book ID: ACCE000301 Author: Tom Turner Publisher: Island Press  Published Year: 2009 ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402 Number of Pages:171
Book ID: 000123 Author: Swami Ramdev Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir Published Year: 2008 ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4 Number of Pages:96
Book ID: 000011 Author: Mahathma Gandhi Publisher: National Book Trust India Published Year: 1994 ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7 Number of Pages:120
Book ID : 000979 Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne  Publisher : Author Published Year : 2007 ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6 Number of Pages : 36
Book ID: 000960 Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs Published Year: 1995 ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2 Number of Pages: 64
Book ID: 000938 Author: K.T.S. Sarao Published Year: 2010 ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4 Number of Pages:217
SAARC Event Brochures
Book ID: ACCE000582 Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor ) Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2 Number of Pages:107
Book ID: ACCE000743 Author: No Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006 Number of Pages:262
Book ID: ACCE000510 Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher Published Year: 2007 ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3 Number of Pages:546
Book ID: ACCE000301 Author: Tom Turner Publisher: Island Press  Published Year: 2009 ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402 Number of Pages:171
Book ID: 000123 Author: Swami Ramdev Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir Published Year: 2008 ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4 Number of Pages:96
Book ID: 000011 Author: Mahathma Gandhi Publisher: National Book Trust India Published Year: 1994 ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7 Number of Pages:120
Book ID : 000979 Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne  Publisher : Author Published Year : 2007 ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6 Number of Pages : 36
Book ID: 000960 Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs Published Year: 1995 ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2 Number of Pages: 64
Book ID: 000938 Author: K.T.S. Sarao Published Year: 2010 ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4 Number of Pages:217
SAARC Cultural Calendar
Book ID: ACCE000582 Author:  Anura Manatunga ( chief editor ) Publisher: Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-955-4563-87-2 Number of Pages:107
Book ID: ACCE000743 Author: No Publisher: Secretariat for media Reforms Published Year: 2016 ISBN No: 978-9-789-553-958006 Number of Pages:262
Book ID: ACCE000510 Author: December Green & Laura Luehrmann Publisher: Lynne Rienner publisher Published Year: 2007 ISBN No: 978-1-58826-463-3 Number of Pages:546
Book ID: ACCE000301 Author: Tom Turner Publisher: Island Press  Published Year: 2009 ISBN No: 978-1-59726-4402 Number of Pages:171
Book ID: 000123 Author: Swami Ramdev Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Divya Gog Mandir Published Year: 2008 ISBN No: 81-89235-66-4 Number of Pages:96
Book ID: 000011 Author: Mahathma Gandhi Publisher: National Book Trust India Published Year: 1994 ISBN No: 978-81-237-0927-7 Number of Pages:120
Book ID : 000979 Author : Sudharshan Senevirathne  Publisher : Author Published Year : 2007 ISBN No : 978-955-9159-53-6 Number of Pages : 36
Book ID: 000960 Publisher: Department of Buddhist Affairs Published Year: 1995 ISBN No: 955-9341-02-2 Number of Pages: 64
Book ID: 000938 Author: K.T.S. Sarao Published Year: 2010 ISBN No: 978-81-215-1211-4 Number of Pages:217